LYTLE - Key Persons

Alyssa Potter

Job Titles:
  • Veterinary Assistant
It has been my dream to work with animals. I grew up taking care of dogs, cats, horses, and cattle. I have four pets of my own: two birds (Green cheek conure, Burke parakeet) and two dogs ( European lab, Australian Shepard). I love learning new things and I try to make daily goals too. I love to explore new places, and enjoy what the colder weather brings. I am aiming to become a veterinarian debt free and with no student loan.

David LaFountain

Job Titles:
  • Veterinary Technician
I was born in Fort Worth, TX. I was very active in 4-H and FFA while in high school. I showed horses, sheep and goats. That's when I decided I wanted to be in the veterinary field. I have been in the veterinary field for 26 years. All started in 1996 my senior year in high school. My first job in the veterinary field was a kennel tech/vet assistant. I worked hard to build my knowledge and moved myself up to a veterinary technician. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to have worked with livestock, exotics, small pets, dogs and cats, emergency animal hospitals, and assist with the penguins and sea world. When not working I love to spend time with my wife and my 3 daughters and son. We like to fish and camp or go to six flags and sea world. My family has two dogs: Gabby and Zorro.

Dr. Dillon Johnson

Job Titles:
  • Veterinarian

Hayley Hickner

Job Titles:
  • Licensed Veterinary Technician

Jessica Gonzales

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
I have been working at the Lytle Veterinary Clinic since 2008. I started as a Customer Service Representative and in June of 2020, I transitioned to the back as Office Manager. I do miss the clients smiling faces at the front desk but am very excited about my new role in the back. Working here has been a great opportunity to combine my love of animals, people, and my career. As a full-time mother and pet owner, I try to utilize my ability to communicate and understand the client and patient needs with love and patience.

Joan Staplefeldt

Job Titles:
  • Veterinary Assistant
Howdy, everyone! My name is Joan Stapelfeldt. I was born and raised in Houston, TX until I moved to San Antonio area in very late 2020. I have worked in the veterinary field since June 2017 as a Kennel Tech and now a Vet Assistant. I have had animals most of my life, mainly dogs and cats but also horses where my passion lies. As a Vet Assistant, I enjoy helping out the Technicians in all kinds of ways whether big or small. My ultimate goal in my work, much less outside work life, is to be the bright spot in someone's day of some kind of positivity. One particular thing special about me is I am simple yet want to be as efficient as possible. The education I have received is gaining my Associate of Arts Degree and Marketing Certificate at Lone Star College as well as completing the Vet Assistant program through Penn Foster. When not at Lytle Vet, Joan can be found at home with her horse and dogs, outside taking pictures somewhere of animals or landscapes, on the computer listening to music or spending time with her fiancé Nathan Sweetman.

Karen Burja

Job Titles:
  • Veterinary Technician
I have worked at the Lytle Veterinary Clinic for 15 years, with the exception of 18 months following the birth of my son in 2009. I have had the opportunity to learn most of the duties and procedures at the clinic over the years. What I enjoy the most is to hold a scared pet and be able to set their fears aside and give them a serene kind of peace that only love can give. I enjoy all kinds of animals, but I hold a special place in my heart for birds. My wish is that every day I can make another person's day better.

Paula Guajardo

Job Titles:
  • CSR II