WEB.COM GROUP - Key Persons

David DVIR

Job Titles:
  • Electronic Engineer
David is our Designer, our Engineer, and our good advice guy. He has had many years of experience as an engineer with Intel Corporation and Gatan Inc. David is a certified security system integrator, certified alarm and fire alarm method, and installer as well he's certified video system and technology designer by the Electronic Security Association (ESA) and by the US National training school (NTS). He is the one that will walk through with you on your project Build for you the best system that fit your needs, make all the preparations needed, Advise you with the technical options we offer and be there when it's done and much after - he is someone you can trust!


Job Titles:
  • Owner
Dovid grew up in NY and spent his time socializing, working hard, and creating a business. Dovid established DMI Locksmith Inc. not so far from his family here in Pittsburgh and worked hard to satisfy each and every customer. Dovid is a business leader and has extraordinary technical skills. He will analyze the technical needs in your project and give you the best deal you can get.