OCULUMA - Key Persons

Tim Daly

Tim Daly has been building web sites since 1996 when the Internet for business was still in its infancy. He built one of the first web sites for a stock broking firm. He worked on developing an Interactive Gold Model, the first time in the world where investors could log on and plug their own assumption numbers into a gold analyst's model and see the earnings estimates change in real-time. He has developed web sites since 2003. In 2011 he added videography to the services, recognising the growing importance of video in marketing through your web site, and giving an outlet to what had been a creative interest for some years. Tim had played with video as a hobby, and realised that the motion arts were something he had actually been wanting to do since he was a kid walking out of the cinema after the Saturday afternoon ‘flicks'. He incorporated that into the web development business, as he could see that the two disciplines were quite complimentary. This is increasingly becoming the case.