Updated 23 days ago
Rennbahnweg 78 1220 Vienna Austria
TÜCHLER's goal was and is to make event venues more practical, quieter, louder, lighter, darker, nicer, safer - simply better...
Ranging from flame-retardant stage textiles, such as stage molleton or stage velvets, performance, dance carpets and stage floorings, effect materials and projection screens on to stage technology, such as chain hoists, stage winches, curtain hoists and control systems to accessories such as gaffer tapes and rigging materials, we can offer you everything you need for your event equipment.
Also known as: Tuchler Polska, Tuchler Polska Sp, TUCHLER Polska Sp. z o.o.
Registration numbers: 41604270 (W), FN265204g (W), HRB6664 (W)
VAT numbers: ATU61869589, CZ41604270, DE281122872