1000001 - Key Persons

Dr Elena Jurado

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
  • Researcher
Elena is a researcher and project manager. She obtained a BSc degree in Industrial Engineering, an MSc degree in Technology, Innovation and Education; and completed her PhD in Environmental Modeling at CSIC-UPC. Her main research interests combine: environmental modelling; application of artificial intelligence to environmental sciences; big data; citizen science; and education.

Dr Luigi Ceccaroni

Job Titles:
  • External Relations Manager
  • Co - Founder, Research
  • Founder, Research
  • Innovation Manager
Luigi is co-founder, research lead and innovation manager at 1000001 Labs. He completed an Executive MBA at EAE Business School in March 2016; obtained a BSc degree in Environmental Sciences, and an MSc degree in Information-Technology Languages and Systems; and completed his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the Technical University of Catalonia in December 2001. His main research interests combine: citizen science; ontologies; and the application of artificial intelligence to healthcare and environmental sciences. [read more] Luigi Ceccaroni is founder, research lead and external relations manager at 1000001 Labs, and a member of the Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning group (KEMLg) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) (Spain). He is the principal investigator and coordinator of the Citclops project, an FP7 5 M European project about a citizens' observatory for coast and ocean monitoring. Luigi obtained a BSc degree in Environmental Sciences (first class honors) from the University of Bologna (Ravenna, Italy); an MSc degree in Information-Technology Languages and Systems from UPC; a PhD in Artificial Intelligence (first class honors), with a thesis entitled "OntoWEDSS - An Ontology-based Environmental Decision-Support System for the management of Wastewater treatment plants", from UPC in December 2001; and completed an Executive MBA at EAE Business School in March 2016. His main research interests combine: hazards forecasting in various environments; citizen science; ontologies; recommendation systems; semantics; the semantic Web; personalization; and application of artificial intelligence to healthcare and environmental sciences. In 2001-2003 he has worked as a member of research staff at Fujitsu Laboratories of America, in the their Silicon Valley labs. In 2003-2010 he was director of research at TMT Factory (Barcelona, Spain). In TMT Factory, he was the coordinator of the IntegraTV-4all project, which developed interactive television for blind people, with a total budget of 1.2 M ; the coordinator of the SOPAT project, which developed a service of personalized and accessible orientation for tourism; and the scientific contact for the ALIVE European project, which combined coordination and organization mechanisms with model driven design to create new software-development tools and services. In 2003-2011, Luigi was a senior member of research staff of the Software Department (LSI) at UPC, where he served as lead of technical activities in the @LIS TechNET European project, which developed an advanced technology demonstration network for education and cultural applications in Europe and Latin America, with a total budget of 3 M ; and in the Laboranova European IP project, which developed a collaboration environment for strategic innovation. In 2005-2009 Luigi was adjunct professor of Artificial Intelligence at UPC. In 2010-2014 he has worked as a senior member of research staff at Eurecat (BDigital) (Spain), where he founded and coordinated the Personalized Computational Medicine research group and wrote the winning proposal for the Synergy-COPD project (2011-2014), an FP7 5 M European project about modeling and simulation for systems medicine, of which he was the principal investigator and coordinator. In 2011 he wrote the winning proposal for the BackHome project (2012-2015), an FP7 4 M European project about brain-neural computer interfaces. In 2012 he wrote the winning proposal for Citclops (2012-2015). He took part in the evaluation of European research proposals submitted in response to the call FP7-ENV-2007-1 for Theme 6 "Environment (including climate change)", specifically on forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development taking into account differing scales of observation. Luigi is the author of more than 70 publications peer-reviewed and managed a total of more than 14 M as lead researcher in the period 2007-2015. Since 2014, he is a member of the Board of Directors of the European Citizen Science Association. In 2014-2016 he was a member of the Board of Directors and the vice-president of Greenpeace Spain. Luigi Ceccaroni è uno dei fondatori della cooperativa 1000001 Labs, specializzata in soluzioni di intelligenza artificiale per gestire dati ambientali e in citizen science, ed un ricercatore senior associato al Dipartimento di Informatica (LSI) dell'Università Politecnica della Catalogna (UPC) (Barcellona, Spagna). Luigi si è laureato con lode in Scienze Ambientali all'Università di Bologna (a Ravenna); ha ottenuto un master in Linguaggi e Sistemi Informatici all'UPC; ha completato il suo dottorato di ricerca con lode in Intelligenza Artificiale, con una tesi sui sistemi di supporto alle decisioni ambientali, all'UPC nel 2001; e ha ottenuto un Executive MBA alla EAE Business School nel 2016. Come ricercatore, si occupa di ontologie, servizi Web, Web semantica, interazione persona-macchina, sistemi di personalizzazione e raccomandazione, e applicazione di intelligenza artificiale alle scienze ambientali e alla medicina. L'ontologia e' una scienza, un ramo della filosofia: la scienza che indica la maniera di rappresentare la realtà al fine di comprenderla e magari processarla con un computer. Il prodotto di questa rappresentazione è un modello, da noi creato, del mondo. Questo modello, in genere, è chiamato un'ontologia, come la scienza, il che può confondere un po' le idee. Ma non tanto quanto la definizione che comunemente si cita: "Un'ontologia e' una specificazione esplicita e formale di una concettualizzazione condivisa". In intelligenza artificiale, per ontologia s'intende generalmente il modello di una parte del mondo, non il ramo della filosofia. Una caratteristica importante di queste ontologie e' il poter essere lette e processate da un computer, ragion per cui rappresentano un elemento importante nella comunicazione dei computer, tra loro e con gli uomini; importante, perché permette ai computer (che oggigiorno, nel mondo, sono quelli che eseguono la maggior parte del calcolo) di capire meglio la realtà. Nel 2001-2003, Luigi ha lavorato come ricercatore nel gruppo "Network Agent Research" (NAR) ai Fujitsu Laboratories of America, nella Silicon Valley. Nel 2007 ha partecipato alla valutazione delle proposte di ricerca europee presentate in risposta all'invito FP7-ENV-2007-1 per l'ambito "Environment (including climate change)" specificamente sui metodi di previsione e gli strumenti di valutazione per lo sviluppo sostenibile tenendo conto delle differenti scale di osservazione. Nel 2005-2009 Luigi è stato professore di Intelligenza Artificiale all'UPC. Nel 2003-2010 è stato direttore di ricerca a TMT Factory (Barcellona, Spagna). Nel 2003-2011, come membro del gruppo di ricerca "Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning" (KEMLg) dell'UPC, è stato coordinatore delle attività tecniche nel progetto europeo "@LIS TechNET", che ha sviluppato una rete di dimostrazione tecnologica avanzata per applicazioni educative e culturali in Europa e America Latina, e nel progetto europeo integrato "Laboranova", che ha sviluppato un ambiente collaborativo per la innovazione strategica per migliorare l'infrastruttura tecnologica e sociale esistente e per supportare i cosiddetti "knowledge workers" nella condivisione, miglioramento e valutazione sistematica delle idee, trasversalmente, in gruppi, imprese e reti. Nel 2010-2014 è stato un ricercatore senior del gruppo di ricerca in Health Informatics a Eurecat (Barcelona Digital) (Barcellona, Spagna). Luigi è stato il ricercatore principale del progetto "Synergy" (2011-2014), un progetto europeo di 5 milioni di euro sulla modellazione e simulazione della fisiologia umana; il responsabile scientifico a Barcelona Digital del progetto "Rehabilita" (2009-2012), un progetto spagnolo di 18 milioni di euro che studia le tecnologie più avanzate per la riabilitazione del futuro; ed il ricercatore principale del progetto "Citclops" (2012-2015), un progetto europeo di 5 milioni di euro sul monitoraggio marino per mezzo di tecniche di citizen science.

Judit Rodríguez

Judit graduated in Environmental Sciences (University of Barcelona), and holds a Master's Degree in Energy Engineering (UPC) and a Master's Degree in Climate Change (University of Copenhagen). Judit worked as a teaching assistant in an online course at the University of Copenhagen and as an assistant at the Energy Systems Analysis Group at the Technical University of Denmark. She is currently living in Stockholm (Sweden) where she is working in management support to wind power projects at ENGIE, an energy company.

Maria Gabot

Maria graduated in Nursing from the University of Barcelona in June 2012. She has worked in different hospitals and clinics in the Barcelona area and has knowledge of the Catalonia government's e-CAP healthcare tool and Oesía's Gacela Care clinical nursing station. She is now working on healthcare projects in Norway.

Raul Bardají

Job Titles:
  • Development Engineer
Raul is a development engineer at 1000001 Labs. He is also a new technology researcher at the Physical and Technological Oceanography department at CSIC-ICM. The focus of his research is the development and validation of DIY scientific instruments. He was involved in the FP7 EU Citclops project, in developing new DIY technologies based on Arduino, to estimate water transparency.