Dr. G. Björklund

Job Titles:
  • Founder and President of the Council for Nutritional
  • Management
  • Scandinavian Researcher and Scientific Advisor
Dr. G. Björklund is a Scandinavian researcher and scientific advisor. He has about 270 published articles on PubMed. His current h-index, as seen on Google Scholar, is 59 and results from 10,852 citations (2023-08-31). The independent rating agency ResearchGate ranks Björklund among the top one percent of the world's researchers. Expertscape ranks him among the top published authors worldwide on autism spectrum disorder. G. Björklund currently ranks No. 2 in mercury in Europe and No. 4 worldwide. In selenium, he ranks No. 4 in Europe and No. 5 worldwide (2022-07-23). "Expertscape objectively ranks people and institutions by their expertise in more than 29,000 biomedical topics." The metrics are based on published papers since 2012. Björklund is also the founder and president of the Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine, an international non-profit association.