Ryan Ross

This week's flavor comes from Diesel Punk Brewing and is their stout. Let me deviate for a minute from the normal review and talk about the ascetics of the packaging. I love the look and marketing of this brewery. The Steampunk idea of meshing Victorian technology and futuristic sci-fi, ie: spaceships powered by steam engines, combines perfectly with the DieselPunk Stout. Remember in my Six Packs for Christmas post I talked about how the first stouts were made during the Victorian era. Here Diesel Punk combines a victorian classic with a futuristic concept to symbolize the progression of the beer industry and humanity itself. A subtle, but nice touch. I have to be honest, I was not impressed with my first beer from the six pack. It tasted like a classic stout, but that's all it was, a classic stout. There was nothing to set it apart. It had all the right flavors, but I didn't have that, "wow moment" on the first drink. However, as I progressed through the six pack over the next several days I found myself liking the beer more and more.