Anthony Temperton

Anthony Temperton has worked in the telecoms industry for over 23 years from when there were only two mobile networks in the UK and broadband didn't exist! After spending years working for large business telecom providers such as Vodafone who put new business ahead of looking after existing customers he made the decision to set up KAT Communications with the aim on standing out from the competition, and on focusing on offering great solutions with great customer service to small to medium sized businesses. Away from the ‘office' Anthony is married to Zoe and has two children, Josh and Oliver. A keen football fan and a frustrated season ticket holder at Bolton Wanderers. Always a supporter of local causes and charities through #katcares, KAT Communications are proud patrons of Club Doncaster Foundation and Anthony, back in 2017 was appointed a trustee of Doncaster Business for the Community. Here he has continued alongside other likeminded business owners to raise funds and create awareness of local causes and charities in the Doncaster area. From an early age, Anthony always had an interest in business. He helped in his fathers business after school and during school holidays and was able to not only observe the things that made that business successful but he was able to get involved in the day to day jobs that helped shape his business future. That passion his father showed is one of the things that has passed down to Anthony in the running of KAT Communications. I'm here to answer any questions you may have about our services. Contact me direct and I will respond as soon as possible. If there is something you have always wanted to know and can't find it on the site, let me know and we promise we'll do our best to help you with your problem. Alternatively if you wish to arrange a meeting drop me a line. I always bring the biscuits!