Updated 21 days ago
504 E 770 N, Orem, UT 84097
For the most part, major medical insurance plans cover physical therapy. We accept all forms of insurance and are a preferred provider with most insurance companies. If we aren't on your provider panel, we can usually make arrangements to minimize your out of pocket costs. If you do not have insurance, we offer a cash payment option. Each insurance company has different requirements in order for your treatment to be covered. Some require a referral or prescription from your doctor. Others require patient notification or some other paper work. We will do our very best to be aware of these requirements and make you aware of them as well. Your patience with us as we work together to get your treatment covered is very much appreciated...
We look forward to getting to know you. We believe that you will find our clinic different from other clinics that you may be familiar with, so we would like to take a minute to get you acquainted with McKell Therapy Group.