Katherine A. Campbell

This post was written by Katherine Campbell and Siobhan Hayes. Do tenants who want to exercise a break part way through a quarter have to pay the whole quarter's rent on the quarter day in order to validly exercise the break? You will know from our previous posting that there have been two cases in … Continue Reading

Reed Smith

At Reed Smith, everything we do is to apply our global experience in law to drive progress for our clients, for ourselves and for our communities. We are focused on outcomes, are highly collaborative and have deep industry insight. When combined with our local market knowledge and innovative mindset, this allows us to anticipate and address the needs of our clients and help them achieve their goals. Reed Smith's Global Real Estate Group is pleased to present the Real Estate Legal Update, a blog designed to provide regular updates and developments on Real Estate law in both the United Kingdom and the United States. The Reed Smith UK Real Estate Group focuses on work for property investors, corporate occupiers, and developers, and includes authorities who can deal with finance, construction, property litigation, tax and environmental issues. The Reed Smith U.S. Real Estate Blog focuses on corporate, ownership, development, acquisition and sales, tax incentives, investment, land use/planning/zoning, litigation and dispute resolution.