Fran Stone

Job Titles:
  • Senior Manager
Fran Stone worked as a Solicitor in family law for over 25 years until 2015 when she joined Branch Properties Limited. During her years as a Solicitor she represented clients involved in legal proceedings relating to relationship breakdown, housing disputes and financial matters. The needs of individuals and children is central to any settlement agreement. Fran has now left the legal profession and has been pleased to take up the opportunity of being the Senior Manager at Branch Properties and focus her attention on the housing and other needs of people with disabilities.

Sallie Stone-Bearne - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Founder
Sallie, the Founder and Director is an experienced business professional and property investor, who has been developing her love of property and housing for more than ten years. She founded Branch Properties in 2014 as a letting agents specialising in the accessible property market because of the difficulties she and her family experienced when trying to source accessible accommodation.