Updated 621 days ago
  • Age: 95 years
  • ID: 27234928/39
280 Congress Street Boston, Massachusetts 02210
Wellington Management is one of the world's leading independent asset managers. Since our foundation in 1928, we have expanded from our headquarters in Boston to the main international and Asian financial centres, providing clients with local knowledge and global expertise... Having "grown up" at Wellington, I often take for granted what makes it unique and special. It was so clear to me during the pandemic that it is not about a physical building or workplace, but a set of values that bind us together. We believe our culture is the sustainable competitive advantage of our firm, helping us attract, retain, develop, and motivate great people around the globe. The shared values of our culture include integrity, collegiality, learning, humility, a sense of humor, respect for diversity of thought, and an unyielding focus on clients. Our people are guided by the mantra, "client, firm, self," and the result is a mandate to put forth our best efforts on behalf of our clients every day. This..
Also known as: Wellington, Wellington Alternative Investments LLC, Wellington Funds (US) LLC, Wellington Funds Services LLC, Wellington Global Administrator, Ltd, Wellington Group Holdings LLP, Wellington Luxembourg SARL, Wellington Management, Wellington Management Australia Pty Ltd, Wellington Management Company LLP, Wellington Management Europe GmbH, Wellington Management Funds (Ireland) plc, Wellington Management Funds LLC, Wellington Management Hong Kong Limited, Wellington Management Hong Kong Ltd, Wellington Management International Limited, Wellington Management International Ltd, Wellington Management Japan Pte Ltd, Wellington Management Singapore Pte Ltd, Wellington Management Switzerland GmbH
Registration numbers: 19 167 091 090 (W), 199504987R (W), 201415544E (W)
Primary location: Boston United States
Associated domains: weiiington.com, welington.com, welingtonmanagement.net, wellingtonconnect.com, wellingtonfunds.com, wellingtonglobal.org, wellingtonglobaladministrator.org, wellingtonhedgefunds.info, wellingtonhedgefunds.org, wellingtonhedgemanagement.com, wellingtonhedgemanagement.info, wellingtonhedgemanagement.mobi, wellingtonhedgemanagement.org, wellingtonhedgemanagement.us, wellingtonhedgemgt.info, wellingtoninternationalmanagement.com, wellingtoninternationalmanagement.info, wellingtoninternationalmanagement.org, wellingtonmanagement.cn, wellingtonmanagement.co.uk, wellingtonmanagement.com.cn, wellingtonmanagement.ie, wellingtonmanagement.mobi, wellingtonmanagement.sg, wellingtonmanagement.us, wellingtonmanagementcompanyllc.com, wellingtonmanagementfunds.com, wellingtonmanagementinternational.co.uk, wellingtonmanagementportfolios.ie, wellingtontrustcompany.com, wellingtontrustcompany.mobi, wellingtontrustcompany.net, wellmanage.net, wellmgmt.com, wellmgmt.mobi, wmcllp.info, wmcllp.net, wmcllp.org, wmctraining.com, wmib.net, wmpweb.mobi
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