DANDRIDGE DRUG COURT - History of Changes

2024-03-21 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2023-08-05 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2022-10-09 update website_status InternalTimeout => OK
2022-08-08 update website_status OK => InternalTimeout
2021-09-14 delete source_ip
2021-09-14 insert source_ip
2020-05-15 delete person Kathleen Samples
2020-01-10 insert person Kathleen Samples
2018-11-05 delete person Bud McCoig
2018-11-05 delete person Chuck Murphy
2018-11-05 delete person Linda Dawson
2018-11-05 delete person The Honorable Ben W. Hooper II
2018-11-05 insert person Jeff Coffey
2018-11-05 insert person The Honorable Carter Moore
2018-11-05 update person_description Mr. Thomas Hollowell => Mr. Thomas Hollowell
2018-10-02 update person_description Mr. Thomas Hollowell => Mr. Thomas Hollowell
2017-05-16 update robots_txt_status www.court4recovery.com: 404 => 200
2017-03-14 delete source_ip
2017-03-14 insert source_ip
2017-03-14 update robots_txt_status www.court4recovery.com: 200 => 404
2016-12-02 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2015-08-23 update person_title Rick Wardroup: State Probation Officer / Sheriff Bud McCoig, Jefferson County Sheriff 's Dept; Member of the Dandridge Team => State Probation Officer; Member of the Dandridge Team
2015-07-26 insert about_pages_linkeddomain services4recovery.com
2015-07-26 update person_description Thomas Hollowell => Mr. Thomas Hollowell
2015-07-26 update person_description Patricia Williams => Patricia Williams