LIME HR - Key Persons

Kevin Harris

Job Titles:
  • Barrister
Kevin is an Accredited Mediator and highly experienced Barrister used to attending the Employment Tribunals and UK Courts. Kevin has represented both employers and employees in a number of high value cases, including one where his client received damages of over £120,000 for unfair dismissal. Kevin is particular interested in bullying, harassment and discrimination claims.

Laura Milne

Job Titles:
  • Owner and Employment Lawyer
LIME HR was founded by Laura Milne, a Scottish qualified Solicitor and Employment Law expert. Laura runs LIME HR and has specialised in HR and Employment Law for 20 years. LIME HR is a UK Employment Law & Human Resources advisory service who predominantly helps employers with all of their HR needs. They do so without waffle and provide practical straight-forward advice Laura has worked with literally hundreds of Companies; large and small, and recognise the need for sensible ‘waffle free' advice which makes sure the running of your business is as smooth as possible despite any inevitable Employment and HR related issue. Laura is an excellent clear communicator, who knows how to apply what might be a stressful HR process in the ‘least worst way', something which is core to the business and to each member of the team. Laura has been invited to speak on Sky News, This Morning, LBC Radio to explain complex UK employment law issues in a simple clear way. Laura is happy to speak at functions, training sessions, seminars and we can prepare any bespoke presentation for your particular business needs.