ISP - Key Persons

Chris Ormiston

Job Titles:
  • Internet Marketing Guru
Chris is considered one of the top search engine optimization (SEO) and local marketing experts in the field today. He began his career at Intel, and has more than a decade of experience in software programming, web development, and SEO. Chris is the CEO of Search Matrix Marketing, a boutique SEO firm that specializes in SEO at a national level. He achieves top rankings with some of the most competitive keywords in the world. One of his favorite projects was ranking on page one on Google, Yahoo, and MSN (at the time) for the keyword "Viagra" not once, but two different times. He achieved this once for his own company in which he appeared on CNN news, and then several years later when working for a client who was a large venture capital firm specializing in prescription drug delivery. Chris has helped websites in the banking, medical, automobile and other sectors dominate #1 placements across all search engines. He has led the development of advanced optimization and off-page search optimization solutions that utilize the latest search algorithms, content creation, link building and effective lead capture pages to expand the digital footprints for companies and organizations. His focus is helping businesses build a targeted audience, increase traffic, enhance online visibility, and nurture marketing by combining a robust CRM system with social media growth engines and SEO. Chris is considered a thought leader in the rapidly changing world of digital marketing, regularly addressing mastermind groups, technology and business conferences at an international level. He has also created many mobile apps including a specialized application for Lexus corporation that assists their delivery specialists train over 200 people per hour about their new Lexus vehicles as they receive their new cars. Forbes magazine touted this as "the genius bar of delivery apps". Recently Chris released specialized software, Local Oxygen, aimed at assisting local marketing agencies with local marketing task management, customer communications, and world class reporting. This software is now in use by over a thousand agencies in 8 countries and powers over 6,000 local marketing projects. Local Oxygen is responsible for many of the top local rankings in cities across the globe. His full service agency also provides done-for-you services for many agencies assisting them in their growth by allowing them to focus on growing their business instead of getting caught up in their business. Chris is currently working on several other local marketing related applications for both online and offline use by local businesses.

Dunn Warren

Job Titles:
  • Investment Advisor LLC - Board Member
  • Registered Investment Advisor
Dunn Warren is a Registered Investment Advisor that has grown to over $190 million in assets under management since opening doors in 2005.

Jeremy Howie

Job Titles:
  • Head
  • Social Media Strategist
  • Online Marketing Director for Axcelerate Worldwide
Jeremy serves as the online marketing director for Axcelerate Worldwide. He also serves on the 2016 SMB board of Facebook and is considered one of the brightest social media marketers in the country. There are only 13 professionals selected from 3 million social media marketers to hold this prestigious position.

Lisa Dee

Job Titles:
  • CEO, Talent Solutions, New York, NY
Robert is one of most brilliant marketers of our age. He truly understands how to create innovative out of the box campaigns that deliver results.

Mike Basch

Job Titles:
  • Co - Founder of Federal Express
I feel honored to know and to have worked with Robert Smith - as a valued business advisor and ultimately, as a friend. While I rarely recommend and/or provide "testimonials," I can't say enough fantastic things about Robert. He is one in ten million and a man whom I deeply respect. If Robert is on your team, you have a massive advantage!"

Paul Pavlik

Job Titles:
  • CFO Client Projects
As the team leader for all client CFO projects for Axcelerate Worldwide with more than 34 years of experience, Dr. Pavlik understands the impact of how our business growth strategies affect the bottom line profits for each of our clients. As our chief financial analyst for Axcelerate Worldwide, he established the baseline for our clients to achieve financial success with unique concepts and tools previously unavailable-tools that significantly augment information typically received from an accountant, bookkeeper, and/or software management program. Axcelerate Worldwide provides financial forecasting proprietary software that allow business owners to use operational management concepts and do "what if" scenarios. He consults with companies that have as few as three individuals to companies with over six hundred employees. He was President and CEO of a Colorado based think-tank dedicated to healthcare research and was Vice President of Western Regional Operations for a Florida based healthcare company. Additional credentials include Doctor of Dental Medicine, graduate studies in physiology, scientific research, and a provided extensive financial forecasting modeling.

Robert Smith - CEO, President

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • President
Robert is the "Master Practitioner" of both Online and Offline Disruptive Marketing. He has achieved what he calls "WOW" success for SMB's in more than 200 major industries using unconventional disruptive marketing and is positioned as one of America's Top Marketers. By the way a "Master Practitioner" is one who has the humility and the brain damage to know he's full of it, but is really good at his craft. He also has the wisdom and experience to have insight into the balance needed to help others succeed. He successfully founded four companies, sold two, and lost one. (He is still looking for it, so if you happen to find it, will you let him know…) He has an unprecedented background in helping SMB's grow in ways they never thought possible so they too can feel that "moment" of WOW! He shows SMB's how to dominate niches in national, regional and local markets, using such outrageous and disruptive concepts, that even James Bond would be impressed with them! His Genimation™ based marketing programs have added over $ 750 million dollars for his SMB "Clients" at higher profits than they ever thought possible. By the way, a "Client" is an entrepreneur who hires a professional to tell them what to do…and then never follows their advice. Robert used to be a "Professional Consultant." He is now a wildly driven successful entrepreneur, idea guy, innovator, speaker, trainer, story teller, and loves Disney and Looney Tunes. The truth is this. He is so many things, he's trying to figure out who he is right now! He has won many of those self-aggrandizing national business awards including the Best Marketing Consultant in America in 2010, which he carefully maintains in a used cardboard box in the basement of his home. By the way a "Professional Consultant" is someone who you pay a lot of money to hear what you already know. P.S. SMB's are small to medium sized businesses, however everyone looks great to Robert as long as they are wearing the right glasses…it's all in the optics. Elton John got it right! Robert Curtis Smith was introduced to me when I was in development for a new product launch. What Axcelerate was able to illustrate to me was not how to market a new product but how to repackage our entire company. Not an easy task when you work with the best advertising agencies in the world on Madison Avenue. I always like a company that over delivers.

Townsend Wardlaw

Job Titles:
  • Sales Management
  • Team Leader for Axcelerate Worldwide
With over 20 years of experience, Townsend Wardlaw is the team leader for Axcelerate Worldwide for demand creation, sales architecture and all sales management for our client portfolio. He works with our companies to help them understand and fix what is not working within their sales organizations to grow revenue! He builds demand creation (lead generation) teams that deliver highly qualified opportunities from all lead sources at a significantly lower cost than anything else you have experienced. He is responsible for defining and implementing a sales architecture, infrastructure, and technology platform that provides 100% and transparency and accountability throughout the sales process.

Traci DeForge

Job Titles:
  • Chief Strategist and Podcast Queen
The most important thing you need to know about Traci is she grew up sleeping with a radio under her pillow. Her love affair with Broadcasting has continued ever since. She is a nationally recognized business development strategist, has a proven track record of success in launching new businesses and directing operations for successful businesses throughout North America. Her consulting expertise generates National awards for her clients. She works with leaders and intact teams at companies such as Hilton, Marriott, British Airways and Google. Clients include Microsoft and Weight Watchers International. Traci recently expanded her entrepreneurial portfolio with the launch of Produce Your Podcast, which produces broadcast quality podcasts and her passion for creativity by producing and hosting the Journey to There podcast. The show provides inspiration and tactile tips on how to navigate the intersection between personal and business growth. Traci facilitates workshops and classes in cities all across the country including Stanford University, has been featured on CNN and is a contributor for

Will Ezell

Job Titles:
  • President of Biz Visioneers
(There is more good stuff being said about me, but I did not pay them this year so my testimonials are getting really thin)