A San Bernardino

Job Titles:
  • Attorney from Our Firm Can Help You and Your Significant Other Come Up With a Prenup or Postnup That Works for Both of You
A San Bernardino family attorney from our firm can help you and your significant other come up with a prenup or postnup that works for both of you.


Laurence J Brock has 30 years' experience practicing law, and has been a divorce and family law attorney since 1992. Mr. Brock has litigated more than a thousand cases over the course of his career, representing husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, and children. Whatever your unique family law case requires, Mr. Brock has the experience to help you develop a strategy to resolve your case successfully. Mr. Brock recently completed a two year term as President of the East West Family Law Council, a specialized bar association for family law attorneys and judges in San Bernardino and Eastern Los Angeles County. Mr. Brock has been credited reviving the bar association and introducing several new innovations to the relationship between the family law attorneys and the family court and judges. Mr. Brock continues to serve on the board of directors.