INOPSU - Key Persons

Mirjam Mäusezahl-Feuz

Job Titles:
  • Scientific Director of SPSU
Mirjam is the scientific director of SPSU and head of the epidemiology unit at the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health where she is responsible for the reporting on surveillance data and epidemiological studies on infectious diseases.

Richard Lynn

Job Titles:
  • Liaison Officer
  • Scientific Coordinator of the BPSU
  • Scientific Coordinator of the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit
Richard is the scientific coordinator of the British Paediatric Surveillance Unit and is responsible for the day to day oversight of the Unit. He also holds positions as Senior Research Associate at University London Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health and research fellow at Public Health England. Richard was instrumental in the settings for up of INoPSU and has held a variety of positions on the Executive. He has had a hand in advising on the development of several other national and international surveillance units, most notably the UK Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance System and the British Ophthalmologist Surveillance Unit. Richard has contributed to be many of the epidemiological studies undertaken and has published widely, with a particular interest in child psychiatry. Richard has also been a strong advocate for those affected by rare disease and sits on the management board of Rare Disease UK as its science advisor.