KINGDOM LIFE - Key Persons

Emily Hess

Job Titles:
  • Pastor

Gigi Diaz

Job Titles:
  • Pastor

Heather Wallace

Job Titles:
  • Pastor

James Cortez

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Pastor James carries the awe and wonder of God in his daily life. He walks with expectancy to see the goodness of God and His majesty in all areas of life. Pastor James is a worshipper who enters the throne room of God and releases the prophetic word of the Lord through song. He carries a revelation of worship and reverence for the glory of the Lord.

Linette McCosh

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Pastor Linette carries the joy of the Lord and brings laughter and smiles to her students. She fosters an environment of curiosity and inquiry and her love for math and science is contagious. Mrs. McCosh is a prayer warrior and empowers students to hear the voice of God as they pray and prophesy. Pastor Heather releases the gift of creativity and possibility in the Lord. She develops programs and systems that carry hope and joy. Mrs. Wallace encourages people of all ages to dream big and trust God in all situations. Lives are transformed daily as she communicates with others the testimony of Jesus Christ and His exceeding greatness.

Pastor Melissa Cortez

Job Titles:
  • Member of the Leadership Team
  • Pastor
Pastor Melissa loves to see children encounter the Lord. She carries a joy for teaching and learning. Her classroom is filled with colors, music, and so much learning! The joy of the Lord is present in her room! Mrs. Cortez carries the gift of encouragement and truly loves others with the love of Jesus. Pastor Gigi creates an atmosphere of peace and joy as her students engage in deep learning and understanding. She brings truth and wisdom to the classroom through inquiry, discovery, and creativity. Mrs. Diaz carries compassion and loves to see her students thrive in the goodness of God.

Patrick Getz

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Pastor Emily releases joy and excitement for learning in her classroom. She loves to challenge her scholars to think outside the box and engage in discussions that bring kingdom solutions from heaven to earth. Ms. Hess cultivates an atmosphere where revivalists flourish and grow in the Lord. Pastor Patrick brings a wealth of knowledge and the love of history to the classroom. He empowers his learners to walk in diligence and integrity as described in God's Word. Mr. Getz loves basketball and brings the joy of teamwork, collaboration, and strategy to his classroom in all academic areas.

Walter Chu

Job Titles:
  • Pastor
Pastor Walter carries a depth of knowledge and wisdom in the Lord. He releases the Word of the Lord through prayer and the prophetic. He is a true evangelist at heart and is passionate about seeing generations coming together to worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth. Mr. Chu is a revivalist bringing the Gospel message in word and with signs and wonders. Victoria Rose carries the gentleness of the Lord and true compassion for others. She carries the Daniel anointing as she desires to see young adults and teens walk a life sold out for Jesus. Her love for health and wellness is a blessing to all who know her. Ms. Victoria enjoys empowering her students embrace a life of excellence in the Lord.