Carol Dweck

Job Titles:
  • Professor

Clare Suzanne Borg

Job Titles:
  • How Workplace Yoga Can Boost Performance and Wellbeing
  • the Power of Psychometrics

Elaine Dutton

Job Titles:
  • Managing High Performing Employees
  • Prioritizing Mental Wellness at the Workplace Is Good for Business

Françoise Haddad

Job Titles:
  • Certified Life and Executive Coach
  • Director / Executive Coach and Training Consultant / Executive Coach and Training Consultant
  • Executive Coach and Training Consultant
Françoise Haddad is a certified life and executive coach with a strong belief in every person's potential and ability to overcome challenges relying on their own strengths and capabilities. Françoise has over 15 years of experience in training and development in the manufacturing and services sectors. Her main activities are focused on training needs analysis, instructional design, and coaching. Her work includes generating creative ways to integrate a learning culture in a corporate environment via drip-learning on specific topics like communication and emotional intelligence, or via informative short videos transforming organisational values and company policies into employee-friendly material. Working on both sides of the spectrum with the clients and the training providers, she is able to translate the client's challenges into training objectives that facilitators rely on to deliver their workshops. As for her coaching approach, Françoise's style is supportive, empathy based yet challenging, empowering people to overcome obstacles, set and achieve goals, and unlock their true potential. Françoise has a bachelor's degree in business computing from Notre Dame University in Lebanon. She has earned certifications from the International Coaching Federation (ICF) in Life & Executive coaching and coaching supervision. She is also certified in training design and delivery. Françoise has a strong conviction that building one's competence and keeping up with the constant changes in the world is an efficient strategy to support others and inspire them along the journey.

Joanne Bonello Ghio

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Psychometric Assessments: an Essential Component of the Recruitment Process
  • Training & HR Consultant, Operational Lead, and Psychometrician

Joshua Aquilina

Job Titles:
  • Director / Training & Development Consultant, Warranted Counselling Psychologist and Executive Coach / Training & Development Consultant, Warranted Counselling Psychologist and Executive Coach
  • the Impact of Corporate Wellness Programmes in Promoting Employee Wellbeing. Read Post
  • Training & Development Consultant, Warranted Counselling Psychologist and Executive Coach
Joshua Aquilina is a warranted counselling psychologist, Training & Development Consultant and Executive Coach with extensive experience in psychological assessment, psychotherapy, and supporting people in gaining personal and professional growth and development. Joshua has led training sessions related to psychology and social work through his work as a visiting lecturer, mentor and supervisor at the University of Malta, as well as through leading group sessions with youths and carers related to psychoeducation. His past senior leadership role at Caritas where he coordinated and managed all the community based and residential based adult drug rehabilitation services that Caritas offer, gave him deep insight into human behaviour and the role of emotional intelligence and emotional regulation. Joshua currently holds a bachelor's degree in psychology, and a master's degree in counselling psychology from the University of Malta. He is also a registered supervisor in Counselling Psychology with the Malta Psychology Profession Board.

Josianne Camilleri

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Training & HR Consultant
Josianne delivers training and coaching in various organisations and sectors in the areas of management, leadership, communication, conflict management, assertiveness, feedback, presentation skills and other intrapersonal and interpersonal skills that are essential for effective leadership. She also delivers team building sessions to PsyPotential's wide client base.

Mario Cassar

Job Titles:
  • Director / Independent Consulting Coach / Independent Consulting Coach
  • Independent Consulting Coach
Mario supports leaders and teams to realise their potential in pursuit of their goals through coaching, mentoring, and training, collaborating through his company with like-minded professionals who share similar values, to deliver holistic solutions. He is accredited by EMCC Global as a Senior Practitioner Coach and was one of the first coaches globally to hold the Individual Team Coach Accreditation awarded by the same accreditation body. He is also accredited as a Belbin Facilitator. Mario brings to the coaching conversation twenty years of experience working in top management structures having occupied several C-Level leadership positions and directorships in travel and tourism, financial services, franchise operations, property development; gaming and IT as well as the educational sector (TEFL). He has created bespoke leadership development programmes and training courses for clients and has several hundred hours experience coaching and delivering training both in-person and online. He also produces and hosts webinars on behalf of clients and supports organisations in a consultative position and/or by providing temporary C-Suite level embedded support. Mario's collaboration with PsyPotential is targeted at leadership development primarily through its signature LTAP framework for team development.

Patrick Psaila

Job Titles:
  • a Holistic Approach to Managing Work and Life Stress
  • Bouncing Back from Burnout: Understanding, Recovery and Prevention
  • Building Effective Work Relationships
  • Director / Managing Partner, Psychologist, Training & Development Consultant / Managing Partner, Psychologist, Training & Development Consultant
  • Emotional Intelligence - the Key to Successful Working Relationships
  • Emotional Intelligence in a Changing World
  • Employee Empowerment - the Competitive Edge
  • Getting It Right With Psychometrics
  • Giving Effective Performance Feedback
  • Leadership Resilience in Times of Crisis
  • Leading and Motivating People through Challenging Times
  • Leading Businesses With Emotional Intelligence
  • Leading With the Power of Empathy
  • Making Work Relationships Work
  • Managing Interpersonal Conflict at Work
  • Managing Partner, Psychologist, Training & Development Consultant
  • the Adaptability Quotient: a New Intelligence for a Changing World
  • the Benefits of Mindfulness Training at the Workplace
  • the Power of Adaptability in Dealing With Change
  • the Power of Body Language to Convey Self - Confidence
  • Why Social Distancing Is so Difficult and What We Can Do about It
Patrick is a warranted psychologist and training consultant with over 20 years of experience working with organisations. Patrick works with various large and medium sized organisations involved in manufacturing, education, health, tourism, banking, and other services. His area of specialisation is in personal and professional development for managers and leaders in organisations, with a particular interest in Emotional Intelligence and Leadership. He has designed and delivered customised training and development programmes for over three hundred organisations. In 1998 he established WorkAssist as a professional service that offered workplace counselling, personal and professional development programmes, coaching, mentoring and HR consultancy. In 2015 he founded PsyPotential Ltd. specialising in work psychology and human factors in organisations. Patrick holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a master's degree in Adult and Group Counselling Psychology from the University of British Columbia. He is a Licensed Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, a certified MSCEIT and EQ-i 2.0 practitioner and a certified AQai practitioner. He has also delivered lectures at the University of Malta, The Institute of Health Care, the Foundation for Human Resources Development, and the Malta Institute of Management. He has delivered keynote addresses and run workshops on Emotional Intelligence and Resonant Leadership in various Conferences held in Malta, UK, and Switzerland. Patrick is passionate about empowering and enabling people to reach their full potential and become the best version of themselves.

Regina Reinheimer

Job Titles:
  • Director / Executive Coach and Human Resources Consultant / Executive Coach and Human Resources Consultant
  • Executive Coach and Human Resources Consultant
  • Human Resources and Training Consultant
Regina is a Human Resources and Training consultant who gained her experience in multiple company settings from Start-ups to six-figure sized global groups across multiple industries. Early in her career, Regina specialized in learning and development, creating, and designing customised learning experiences in areas like communication and feedback, leadership, public speaking and other interpersonal and intrapersonal skills for different target groups and managerial levels. She is also experienced in setting up the necessary structures and processes to identify and retain talent in organizations through creating career paths, conducting assessment centres and psychometric testing, and implementing succession planning and mentoring. Her passion for serving people and helping individuals to fulfil their career potential, led her to become a certified Systemic Coach and Change Management Consultant. Regina also holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the Cooperate State University Baden- Württemberg and has deepened her knowledge on human factors in organisations through another Bachelor of Science in Business Psychology from the Ruhr University Bochum. Regina deeply believes that professional and personal growth happens best when willingness meets opportunity. Her driving purpose is that of supporting people through training and coaching to help them identify and seek opportunities and provide guidance along the way.

Sharon Mulligan

Job Titles:
  • Coach
  • Executive
  • Director / Senior Partner, Executive Coach & Business Consultant / Senior Partner, Executive Coach & Business Consultant
  • Managing Personal Relationships at the Workplace
  • Member of the Institute of Directors
  • Senior Partner, Executive Coach & Business Consultant
  • Strategic Change Advisor and Executive Coach
  • the Power of Executive Coaching in a Changing Reality
Sharon is a Strategic Change Advisor and Executive Coach with over 25 years of experience working at Senior Executive level within Financial Services, Telecoms, Media, Publishing and Retail. Sharon uses a personal style that has a clear and pragmatic approach enabling clients in their leadership development for themselves and their businesses. Sharon specialises in improving corporate cultures through workable approaches to strategic, operational, and corporate culture challenges. Sharon is a member of the Institute of Directors and the Institute of Leadership Management. Sharon has held key Director roles and consultancy positions for major change projects within Danske Bank, National Australia Group, PBS Denmark, Barclays Bank, Northern Bank and Clydesdale Bank. Key roles included reporting directly to the Divisional Chief Executive and Chief of Global HR on all aspects of Leadership, Strategic HR, and coaching key individuals. In addition, Sharon has been COO (and Shareholder) for a Consultancy Services Company specialising in Payments Card Acquiring for over 10 years. Key responsibilities covered Corporate Governance and Finance across multiple jurisdictions. Sharon is a qualified Executive Coach and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Strategies and Leadership Development. She also holds an ILM accredited Post Graduate diploma in Coaching and Mentoring with the University of West Anglia. Sharon strongly believes that through coaching, mentoring and professional development opportunities, people can achieve deep transformational change.

Stephanie Cutajar

Job Titles:
  • Administrator, Training and Finance Coordinator
  • Director / Administrator, Training and Finance Coordinator / Administrator, Training and Finance Coordinator
Stephanie is PsyPotential's administrator, training and finance coordinator who is responsible for planning and scheduling training and development programmes and managing funding applications, finance and administration. With experience in diverse industries, she has navigated complex financial roles while building strong relationships with clients from all walks of life. Over the years, she has streamlined processes, improved efficiency, prepared and analysed budgets, and built intricate financial models. Stephanie also has a deep interest in psychology. After a successful career in finance, she decided to pursue a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Padova in her quest to understand human behaviour and mental well-being. Stephanie fully embraces PsyPotential's core values of excellence, integrity, and lifelong development. She believes that authenticity and being true to oneself are essential for building meaningful connections and healthy relationships, both professionally and personally.