Dr. Ed Gray

Thrift Store Industry LEGEND, Dr. Ed Gray has been in the Thrift Business for fifty plus (50+) years. It has been said that if anyone knew half of what Dr. Gray has forgotten, they would be light-years ahead in the Thrift Industry. That said Dr. Gray is the TRUE THRIFT STORE GURU.

Lisa Parrish

Lisa was raised in a retail environment. Her 1st job was pumping gas at her parents' full service gas station at the ripe old age of 13. She held this job throughout high school only giving it up after graduation, getting married & becoming pregnant with her 1st child. She definitely learned to multi task & organize while raising 4 children, running her own business, "HandPrints" which was a upscale children's resale store. Wife, mother, business woman…enough said. Lisa's "Thrift Expertise" came naturally. Call it intuition, sixth sense, or whatever you want; she was a Natural from the beginning. From managing thrift stores to building her own company, Lisa has proven her ability in all areas of Thrift, over & over through out the years. She is a Premiere Thrift Store Consultant and is excited to be sharing her expertise with ThriftStoreSpecialist.Com clients.

Rusty Parrish

Rusty has twenty four (24) years of Retail Thrift Store experience. He has extensive expertise in all areas of Thrift Store Operations. His specialties include Thrift Store Startups, Thrift Store Turnarounds, Personnel Training, Systems and Production Implementation, Operational Accountabilities and Next Level Management Procedures for Business Expansion. Rusty has been successfully involved in management at every level throughout his career. He has advanced insights from every angle due to his ability in 2001 to found and operate, Five Star Thrift, which became a multi store chain in Texas under his direction. This entity was highly successful during his tenure and was sold for a profit in 2006. Since that time he has been providing Retail Thrift Store Consultant Services across the nation. His primary focus has been on Association of Gospel Rescue Mission Thrift Stores (AGRM). He has successfully assisted multiple organizations become more profitable through the use of Proven Thrift Store systems and procedures.