Dr. Tia Simms

Simms Mobile Veterinary Ultrasound Services, LLC, is solely owned and operated by Dr. Tia Simms. Dr. Simms brings to your practice more than 20 years of experience in caring for small animals. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in 1994. She become a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in Canine and Feline Medicine in 2003 and recertified with ABVP in 2013. Through her thriving veterinary practice, Dr. Simms provides optimal care for small animals. Her special interests include ultrasound, internal medicine and laparososcopy, and much of her extended training has been focused in these areas. In 2014, she received her Certification in Small Animal Ultrasound through the University of Illinois Executive Veterinary Program.