CELEBRATIO - Key Persons

Godfrey Peter Scott

Peter Scott is well known for his many im port ant con tri bu tions to the geo met ric side of to po logy, par tic u larly con cern ing man i folds of di men sion 3 and 4. In this area there have been some spec tac u lar new de vel op ments in the last few years, due to the suc cess of geo met ric meth ods in solv ing to po lo gic al prob lems ap par ently bey ond the reach of purely to po lo gic al meth ods. This re volu tion ary work was de scribed by Peter Scott in his in flu en tial sur vey art icle "The geo met ries of 3-man i folds", pub lished in the So ci ety's Bul let in for Septem ber 1983. This con firms his es tab lished po s i tion as one of the lead ing fig ures in this ex cit ing and chal len ging area of re search.