DOCWOLVES - Key Persons

Chris Bevelander - CFO, COO

Job Titles:
  • CFO
  • COO
As CFO and COO, Chris Bevelander is responsible for the practical situation within DocWolves. His days are filled with meeting clients and supervising implementations.

Herman Koning

If you call our helpdesk, there is big chance you will speak with our enthusiast Herman Koning. At Parlaeus, Herman is our helpdesk king.

Raquel Torres

Raquel Torres (yes, she was born in Spain) takes care of the certification ISO 27001 and the ISAE 3000 report.

Rens Groeneveld - CEO

Job Titles:
  • CEO
Rens Groeneveld is CEO and he is our visionary helmsman. You will meet him at stock markets and during presentations. Rens loves to help clients during their orientation phase.