Nancy Raiford Mitchell

Nancy Raiford Mitchell - 25 years experience in finance ranging from Accounting, Loan Origination to CFO. Nancy has extensive knowledge in the medical, entertainment, and automotive fields. In recent years she has enjoyed helping small businesses organize their finances, set up & refine their business model, and make sure all returns are filed & compliant. As a mother of 10, personal family management (organization, budgeting, time management) comes naturally and is a conversation she is always willing to have with clients.

Patti Raiford Lann

Patti Raiford Lann - Over 30 years experience in accounting including accounting in small businesses to CFO in the technical college system. Patti is skilled in budgeting, reporting, compliance and organization. Patti and Nancy are sisters and accounting is a passion that they both share. They are both Christians and strong in their faith. They were brought up in a Christian household and are very grateful to their parents for the values they instilled.