Updated 134 days ago
Schwarzwaldstrasse 100 D-60528 Frankfurt am Main Germany
Talking about business with us means you can fully rely on our support. The Kedas Group provides a complete state-of-the-art marketing program to help you run your business successfully. From promotional items to brochures, and from training your sales stuff to technical workshops for your clients - Kedas is ready to help you reach success in your market...
In the year 2004, Kedas GmbH became one the most valued manufacturers for resin bonded cutting and grinding discs in Germany. Kedas started delivering world-class products and services to clients all over the world…Today we serve clients in over 28 countries from the Middle East, Northern Africa and South America producing several million top-level discs per year for surface finishing, machine working and cutting of material.
Also known as: Kedas GmbH, Kedas Group
VAT numbers: DE260159711