NE PHILLY - Key Persons

Kelly McAllister

Kelly McAllister has a degree in business and marketing that she earned from Penn State University. The vast majority of her experience has been in the hospitality and franchise industry. All of her work has revolved around the community and she believes that a strong focus on this is the key to successful relationship building. Her husband, Sean, was born and raised in the neighborhood and most of their extended family still resides here as well. Kelly and Sean are extremely passionate about family and have three sons of their own: Logan (4), Jackson aka Jack-Jack (2), and Cameron (7 weeks). Kelly frequently visited WRTS - Northeast Philly with her son, Logan, and felt that all children should have the opportunity to enjoy We Rock the Spectrum as he does. Having family members with special needs herself, Kelly has always wanted to find a way to pay it forward by owning a business with purpose. She is extremely excited to finally be able to accomplish these goals by joining the We Rock the Spectrum family.

Parents Corner

Job Titles:
  • Events

Shereen Hindi-Garabet

Shereen Hindi Garabet graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology, with a Minor in Sociology from Cal State Northridge University in 2001. Shereen has worked in Applied Behavioral Analysis for seven years. Her experience as a Behavioral Therapist was very demanding, which led her to emphasize with the need that Parents have, in searching for creative ways to stimulate their children with the right toys, and facilities that help their Kids to cope with the sensory stimulation that they need to thrive. Shereen's passion for helping children with learning disabilities, and a lack of educational facilities with a focus on kids with special needs in the area, led her to open a private learning center called "The Cedar Learning Center". Where children with Special needs such as Aspergers, and ADHD, can get the Personalized Academic Enrichment, and help with Social skills they require to get the same opportunities as everyone else gets. Five years later Shereen, along with her sister-in-law Monique, decided that they were ready to explore new business opportunities, at the same time doing what they love most, and that's helping children with special needs and all children! Shereen's family is the driving force that encourages her love and compassion for others. Her husband's nephew has Autism, and his personal improvement has been an inspiration and motivation for Shereen to provide a fun and loving environment for all children to call their second home. Knowing that she has the opportunity to help children on the Spectrum, and all children in her community to achieve their very best, and have fun is a dream come true for her and her family!