PURNAROGYA - Key Persons

Dr Aseem Dewan

Job Titles:
  • General Medicine )
  • MBBS, MD ( General Medicine )
Consultant physician and intensivist, Specialist in neurological and hematological diseases, previously in charge of the Intensive Care Unit at the AIIMS, New Delhi.

Dr Sanjay Jayraj

Job Titles:
  • Panchakarma )
Specialized in all the cleansing therapies and detoxification treatments in Ayurveda. This includes the pre-detox procedures, the main procedure (like purgation, enemas, emesis, nasal irrigation, blood letting etc) and the post-detox recovery. These therapies are an invaluable tool that is useful in curing or controlling some of the "incurable" diseases. He also oversees the destressing and relaxing therapies like massage therapies, bolus treatments, steam treatments, pouring of medicated herbal juices over the body, shirodhara (oil stream falling over the forehead) etc.

Dr Sanjay Pisharodi

Job Titles:
  • MBBS, Dip. Pall Med ( UK ), MD ( Acu ), AWP ( USA )
A palliative oncologist trained in Cardiff University UK and the University of California USA, acupuncturist and ayurvedic doctor by qualification, he also comes from a family lineage of vaidyas. Author of "Acharya Vagbhata's Ashtanga Hrdayam - Volume 1" available on www.amazon.com. Dr. Sanjay Pisharodi is a holistic health practitioner, specialized in hospice and palliative medicine from Cardiff University (UK) and University of California (USA). He is also qualified in several alternative therapies - Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Naturopathy, Sujok, Pranic healing, Medical Astrology, thus making the way for the practice of integrated holistic medicine. Born into a family of traditional physicians of Kerala, he was introduced to studying the art of Traditional Indian healing called Ayurveda after which he went on to specialize in modern western medicine. While working in California, Wales and India with terminally ill patients he was able to see the limitations of the modern approach. Exposure to several alternative therapies at San Diego Hospice and hospices in the UK triggered him to go back to his roots and integrate eastern and western traditions to solve the maladies of the present day. Spending many years in meditation in a monastery in India, extensive studies in the Vedas, Ayurveda and alternative healing and working with experienced Ayurvedic traditional healers of the Ashtavaidya tradition in Kerala (his home town) provided a solid foundation for the same. He believes that the underlying cause for all disease as the reckless modern lifestyle causing stress leading to toxin accumulation and misalignment of the body, mind and spirit. To prevent, treat and educate people is his passion and mission. He has taught on several national and international platforms. His courses are also available online. He is a visiting lecturer at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark and a reviwer of articles for the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. He presently serves as the Director of Food for Life Medical Center in Vrindavan, India and is also Co-founder and Director of Purnarogya Holistic Health Care in Kerala, India. He recently published a translation and commentary on the classic Ayurvedic text named "Ashtanga Hridayam" which is the first of a 25 volume series, written especially in way that is helpful to the students in the western world. This will positively transform the way in which Ayurveda is learned and practiced in the western world. Bringing with him a vast experience of over 20 years, living in monasteries, interacting with saints and healers alike and traveling around the world, he confirms "Any one branch of healing applied exclusively gives slower results and is less effective. But the integration of the techniques gives tremendous power to healing with quicker and better results."

Dr Sasikumar Nechiyil

Job Titles:
  • Ayu
One of the foremost authorities on Ayurveda and especially the branch of Rasa sastra (Medical Alchemy in the Vedas), a fifth generation vaidya of the Nechiyil family lineage, founder and director of Sidheshwara Drugs and proprietor of Nechiyil Aryavaidyasala, he is our guiding light on the path.