CYCLE ACADEMY - History of Changes

2024-06-05 delete chairman David Gordon
2024-06-05 delete founder Christopher Stanton
2024-06-05 delete otherexecutives Christopher Stanton
2024-06-05 insert otherexecutives Kari Kuwamura
2024-06-05 delete person Christopher Stanton
2024-06-05 delete person David Gordon
2024-06-05 delete person Jake Boone
2024-06-05 delete person Kim Wilson
2024-06-05 delete person Noni Jarnagin
2024-06-05 delete source_ip
2024-06-05 insert person Alexis Rodriguez
2024-06-05 insert person Derek Hansen
2024-06-05 insert person Jonathan Farias
2024-06-05 insert person Kari Kuwamura
2024-06-05 insert person Thomas Epling
2024-06-05 insert source_ip
2024-06-05 update person_title Cristina Solorzano: San Antonio Programs Coordinator & Community Educator => San Antonio Lead & Community Educator
2023-10-12 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2023-09-24 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2022-06-21 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2022-06-01 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2022-04-16 update website_status FlippedRobots => FailedRobots
2022-03-27 update website_status FailedRobots => FlippedRobots
2022-02-23 update website_status FlippedRobots => FailedRobots
2021-12-22 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2021-09-15 update website_status FlippedRobots => OK
2021-08-17 update website_status OK => FlippedRobots
2021-04-17 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2021-04-17 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2020-10-05 update robots_txt_status 200 => 404
2020-07-27 update robots_txt_status 404 => 200
2019-06-22 delete otherexecutives Kim Wilson
2019-06-22 delete otherexecutives Mary Stanton
2019-06-22 delete otherexecutives Mitchell Kilby
2019-06-22 insert legal_emails
2019-06-22 insert personal_emails
2019-06-22 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete address on 121 reviews Thane thuds grumpily. Tramadol Buy Usa
2019-06-22 delete alias Order Tramadol Next Day Shipping
2019-06-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert address P.O. Box 6067 Austin, Texas 78762 USA
2019-06-22 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert email
2019-06-22 insert email
2019-06-22 insert email
2019-06-22 insert email
2019-06-22 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-06-22 update person_title Andi Cragen: Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Austin McDaniel: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Beth Donnelly: Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Bobby Sandoval: Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Carolyn Viscardi-Anderson: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Colin Meehan: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Dave Cothran: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title David Filipelli: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Elsa Reza: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Jasmine Taylor: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod VISTA => Assistant Instructor VISTA
2019-06-22 update person_title Joel Settle: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Joseph Keegan: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Kim Wilson: Member of the Board; Secretary Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Secretary of the Board
2019-06-22 update person_title Marianela Carcione: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Mary Stanton: Member of the Board; Treasurer Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Treasurer of the Board
2019-06-22 update person_title Matt Dietrichson: Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod First Aid / CPR => Instructor First Aid / CPR
2019-06-22 update person_title Maya Masterson: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod VISTA => Assistant Instructor VISTA
2019-06-22 update person_title Mike Cavasos: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Mitchell Kilby: Member of the Board; Vice Chair Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Vice Chair of the Board
2019-06-22 update person_title Noni Jarnagin: Instructor & Youth Programs Coordinator Order Tramadol India Tramadol Buy Online Usa LCI, First Aid / CPR => Instructor & Youth Programs Coordinator
2019-06-22 update person_title Rebecca Castonguay: Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Assistant; Instructor
2019-06-22 update person_title Sharon Roy: Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod => Instructor
2019-04-09 delete legal_emails
2019-04-09 delete personal_emails
2019-04-09 insert otherexecutives Kim Wilson
2019-04-09 insert otherexecutives Mary Stanton
2019-04-09 insert otherexecutives Mitchell Kilby
2019-04-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 delete about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 delete address P.O. Box 6067 Austin, Texas 78762 USA
2019-04-09 delete contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 delete email
2019-04-09 delete email
2019-04-09 delete email
2019-04-09 delete email
2019-04-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 delete index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 delete management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 delete terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert about_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert address on 121 reviews Thane thuds grumpily. Tramadol Buy Usa
2019-04-09 insert alias Order Tramadol Next Day Shipping
2019-04-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert contact_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert index_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert management_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 insert terms_pages_linkeddomain
2019-04-09 update person_title Andi Cragen: Instructor => Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Austin McDaniel: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Beth Donnelly: Instructor => Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Bobby Sandoval: Instructor => Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Carolyn Viscardi-Anderson: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Colin Meehan: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Dave Cothran: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title David Filipelli: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Elsa Reza: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Jasmine Taylor: Assistant Instructor VISTA => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod VISTA
2019-04-09 update person_title Joel Settle: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Joseph Keegan: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Kim Wilson: Secretary of the Board => Member of the Board; Secretary Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Marianela Carcione: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Mary Stanton: Treasurer of the Board => Member of the Board; Treasurer Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Matt Dietrichson: Instructor First Aid / CPR => Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod First Aid / CPR
2019-04-09 update person_title Maya Masterson: Assistant Instructor VISTA => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod VISTA
2019-04-09 update person_title Mike Cavasos: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Mitchell Kilby: Vice Chair of the Board => Member of the Board; Vice Chair Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Noni Jarnagin: Instructor & Youth Programs Coordinator => Instructor & Youth Programs Coordinator Order Tramadol India Tramadol Buy Online Usa LCI, First Aid / CPR
2019-04-09 update person_title Rebecca Castonguay: Assistant; Instructor => Assistant Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-04-09 update person_title Sharon Roy: Instructor => Instructor Buy Discount Tramadol Tramadol Buy Cod
2019-01-05 delete person Drew Berger
2019-01-05 delete person Tania Cutting
2019-01-05 update person_title Matt Dietrichson: Instructor & Golden Rollers First Aid / CPR => Instructor First Aid / CPR
2018-08-23 delete person Alison Mote
2018-08-23 delete person Amy Bartos
2018-08-23 delete person Denzel Dawkins
2018-08-23 delete person Graham Ward
2018-08-23 delete person Jake Carsten
2018-08-23 delete person Jenna Kopke
2018-08-23 delete person Jim Rankin
2018-08-23 delete person Joe Settle
2018-08-23 delete person Justin Bailey
2018-08-23 delete person Larinz Demps
2018-08-23 delete person Leightion Murry
2018-08-23 delete person Maria Caiseda
2018-08-23 delete person Max Hanna
2018-08-23 delete person Pam McAfee
2018-08-23 delete person Robert Foster
2018-08-23 delete person Robin Medina
2018-08-23 delete person Ronnie Schaefer
2018-08-23 delete person Sergio Campos
2018-08-23 delete person Sydney Fontenot
2018-08-23 insert email
2018-08-23 insert person Andi Cragen
2018-08-23 insert person Beth Donnelly
2018-08-23 insert person Carolyn Viscardi-Anderson
2018-08-23 insert person Colin Meehan
2018-08-23 insert person Dave Cothran
2018-08-23 insert person David Filipelli
2018-08-23 insert person Elsa Reza
2018-08-23 insert person Jasmine Taylor
2018-08-23 insert person Joel Settle
2018-08-23 insert person Joseph Keegan
2018-08-23 insert person Marianela Carcione
2018-08-23 insert person Maya Masterson
2018-08-23 insert person Mike Cavasos
2018-08-23 insert person Rebecca Castonguay
2018-08-23 insert person Tania Cutting
2018-08-23 insert person Tiffany M. Cabin
2018-08-23 update person_title Alexandria Russell: Assistant; Instructor => Instructor & Golden Rollers
2018-08-23 update person_title Girmawi James: Instructor First Aid / CPR => Instructor & Fleet Maintenanc
2018-08-23 update person_title Matt Dietrichson: Instructor First Aid / CPR => Instructor & Golden Rollers First Aid / CPR
2018-08-23 update person_title Noni Jarnagin: Instructor & School - Based Programs Coordinator => Instructor & Youth Programs Coordinator
2017-07-07 delete personal_emails
2017-07-07 delete email
2017-07-07 update person_title Robin Medina: Volunteer Coordinator; Instructor => Instructor LCI, First Aid / CPR
2017-03-13 delete personal_emails
2017-03-13 delete email
2017-03-13 delete email
2017-03-13 delete person Erin Cooper
2017-03-13 delete person Jake Bapple
2017-03-13 delete person Joel Settle
2017-03-13 delete person Will Rogers III
2017-03-13 insert person Alexandria Russell
2017-03-13 insert person Alison Mote
2017-03-13 insert person Amy Bartos
2017-03-13 insert person Austin McDaniel
2017-03-13 insert person Bobby Sandoval
2017-03-13 insert person Drew Berger
2017-03-13 insert person Girmawi James
2017-03-13 insert person Graham Ward
2017-03-13 insert person Jenna Kopke
2017-03-13 insert person Jim Rankin
2017-03-13 insert person Joe Settle
2017-03-13 insert person Justin Bailey
2017-03-13 insert person Maria Caiseda
2017-03-13 insert person Max Hanna
2017-03-13 insert person Pam McAfee
2017-03-13 insert person Robert Foster
2017-03-13 insert person Ronnie Schaefer
2017-03-13 insert person Sharon Roy
2017-03-13 insert person Sydney Fontenot
2017-03-13 update person_title Matt Dietrichson: Instructor, Golden Rollers Project Management => Instructor First Aid / CPR
2017-03-13 update person_title Noni Jarnagin: Programs Coordinator => Instructor & School - Based Programs Coordinator
2016-09-25 update person_title Noni Jarnagin: Volunteer Coordinator; Instructor => Programs Coordinator
2016-09-25 update person_title Robin Medina: Instructor => Volunteer Coordinator; Instructor
2016-07-31 update person_title Steven LeBlanc: Shop and Community Bicycle Hub Supervisor; Instructor => Instructor
2016-07-03 insert personal_emails
2016-07-03 delete person Dan Grieco
2016-07-03 delete person Gonzalo Ponce
2016-07-03 delete person Jesse Duncan
2016-07-03 insert email
2016-07-03 insert email
2016-07-03 insert person Joel Settle
2016-07-03 insert person Matt Dietrichson
2016-07-03 insert person Robin Medina
2016-07-03 update person_title Steven LeBlanc: Mechanic, Instructor => Shop and Community Bicycle Hub Supervisor; Instructor
2016-07-03 update person_title Will Rogers III: Instructor => Instructor, Fleet Management
2016-04-30 delete source_ip
2016-04-30 insert source_ip
2015-11-03 delete person Armando Martinez
2015-11-03 delete person Eryn Moris
2015-11-03 delete person Shaylee Walsh
2015-11-03 delete person Stephen Bonett
2015-11-03 delete person Triniti Glasco
2015-11-03 insert person Dan Grieco
2015-11-03 insert person Gonzalo Ponce
2015-11-03 insert person Jesse Duncan
2015-11-03 insert person Leightion Murry
2015-11-03 insert person Sergio Campos
2015-11-03 insert person Steven LeBlanc
2015-09-06 insert alias Ghisallo Cycling Initiative
2015-06-09 delete person Larry Murphy
2015-06-09 delete person Mitchell Kilbey
2015-06-09 insert person Mitchell Kilby
2015-06-09 update person_title Armando Martinez: Assistant; Instructor => Instructor