DEAN RATHBUN - Key Persons

Alfred Thai

Alfred is the brain of the group. Since 1998 he has led the team as our Senior Processor, working daily with underwriters approving loans. His knowledge of mortgage guidelines dates back to 1994 when he started in lending. Trust us…if Alfred says the deal qualifies, it qualifies. Alfred loves spending quality time with his wife and daughters. You may not have guessed, but, he is a master outdoorsman.

Dean C. Rathbun

Closing loans since 1988. Dean has personally closed mortgages for more than 4,000 homeowners. He has also trained and assisted over 100 loan officers to help achieve their goals. He is a certified military housing specialist and is experienced in investment properties, first time buyers, family estate financing, VA loans, short-sales, and foreclosures. He's been a guest speaker for many real estate offices and a member of the National Association of Mortgage Bankers for over two decades

Tanya Rakow

Tanya has been working with Dean since 1996. As our compliance and closing coordinator, she is responsible for tracking all DocuSign, compliance forms, closing packages and HR/accounting. Tanya's personal time is filled by her three active children. Football, dance, Karate…you name it…her kids do it.