Morgan Miller

Morgan Miller was born in Stamford, Connecticut, Morgan has been dancing since the age of three. After majoring in Theater (Communications) at Northwestern University, she came to New York to audition, but ended up taking on a high-stress finance job. Two years later, Morgan quit the woes of a 9 to 5 and decided to connect back to dance and movement! Certified by Joschi Yoga Institute in 2011, she finds that life is all about balance and always moving towards the things that make you happy. Her classes are stretchy, positive, and while informative and alignment conscious, never too serious. Life and yoga should be fun!

Stephanie Ramos

Stephanie Ramos has been teaching mat and all Pilates apparatuses for over four years in the NYC and Astoria area. She challenges her students to see new possibilities in how they can move, teaching them mental and physical awareness, freedom, creativity and efficiency. She wants her students to find safety and joy in their bodies. She is certified through Pilates Academy International, with a background in dance and music. Stephanie is a songbird by night, marketing director by day and opera/music theatre graduate of Oklahoma City University.