CIDER - Key Persons

Dr. Carol Miles

Dr. Carol Miles has diverse international experiences both growing up and in her early career where she has lived in subsistence agriculture communities in places such as Panama, Afghanistan, Cameroun, Malawi and Tanzania. Carol received her B.S. (1983) in Bio-Agricultural Science from Colorado State University, and her M.S. (1989) and Ph.D. (1993) in Vegetable Crops from the Department of Fruit and Vegetable Science at Cornell University. Carol's goal has been to work with farmers to create sustainable production systems which provide a source of well-being to both the family and the community.

Seth Brawner

Seth Brawner grew up on a small farm near Madison, Indiana and received his B.A. (2020) in Environmental Biology from DePauw University. During his time at DePauw, Seth worked on small, diverse farms throughout Indiana, the Netherlands, and Norway. After graduating and managing a small farm, Seth decided to expand his horticultural knowledge and skill sets by pursuing a Master's degree in Horticulture from WSU. Seth's research at WSU NWREC focuses on the mechanized thinning, hedging, and harvest of cider apples.