DIAMONDPR - Key Persons

Brenna O'Leary

Job Titles:
  • Director / DiamondPR L.a

Eduardo Gato

Job Titles:
  • Content Production Manager

Jody Diamond - President

Job Titles:
  • President
Launching her career in her hometown of Los Angeles as a celebrity publicist before finding her niche working as a unit publicist for independent and major feature films, Jody relocated to the east coast in the year 2000 and began her second career in travel and tourism. Now, with more than 20 years of experience, Jody is an undisputed expert in the field and has authentic, powerhouse relationships to prove it. Splitting her time between the agency's Miami and Los Angeles offices, she's not one to sit still for very long, remaining directly and actively involved with clients and jetting from Italy to Iceland to Mexico, and anywhere in between, at a moment's notice. Her energy is infectious and her passion invigorating, leaving many wondering how she manages to do it all. Ask her and she'll say she wouldn't have it any other way.

Kara Rosner - VP

Job Titles:
  • Vice President
  • Founding Partner of Diamond Public Relations
Kara Rosner, a founding partner of Diamond Public Relations, has spent her entire career focused exclusively on travel and tourism. She draws upon this experience to provide a deliberate and calculated approach to client strategy and direction in guiding the diverse team at Diamond PR. With her keen understanding of the media and their needs, an aptitude for creativity, and a head for business, Kara ensures client efforts are media worthy and garner measurable results. Rounding out her arsenal, she was an early adopter of the social media revolution, especially as it developed within the travel vertical, and continues to learn something new every day in this ever-evolving discipline to ensure her team stays relevant. When not reading the latest report on the next social media trend or perfecting a PR plan, Kara spends her time with friends and family, always planning the next get together or adventure. While a South Florida native, she loves the mountains and will jump at the chance to hike, climb, ski, raft or row. She's also been known to hit a bullseye with an axe or shoot clay targets from the sky, should the occasion arise.

Liz Eads

Job Titles:
  • Director of Lifestyle, US & International Divisions

Sydney Feldman

Job Titles:
  • Associate Vice President / Luxury and LATAM Divisions