HILLTOP - Key Persons

Andy Wood - COO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
  • Partner
Andy utilizes his considerable organization skills and creative sensibility to keep everything humming right along. He has made an art form out of balancing multiple jobs, ensuring that our team is meeting each and every deadline…and budget. His working knowledge in all aspects of project development is enhanced by his communication skills, ensuring that our clients are kept in the loop in every phase of the creative process.

Chuck King - Founder

Job Titles:
  • Creative Director
  • Founder
  • Partner
As the guiding creative force at Hilltop. Chuck is regarded for his ability to take on an expansive workload and turn out custom results on each project. Much of our success can be traced to Chuck's innate sense of what our clients' prospects will respond to…..and then deliver exactly that. Over time he has developed a very distinctive signature style of design--called 'effective.'