KISS DESIGN - Key Persons

Emma George - Managing Director

Job Titles:
  • Managing Director
  • Marketing & Client Services Director
As Managing Director, Emma is not only responsible for the day to day running of Kiss, she's also the team's primary business and marketing strategist. She works face to face with clients and the rest of the Kiss team to ensure that every piece of work the company does meets its own high standards. In her spare time, Emma enjoys taking walks with her family and their furry friend Joey the dog.

Jo Jo

Job Titles:
  • Head of Barketing
Jo Jo is at Kiss to promote staff wellbeing, he takes his role extremely seriously and is keen for all the team to take time out for love and fresh air.

Loreta Dobson

Job Titles:
  • Project Manager
Loreta is, a ‘people person' and problem solver, is responsible for ensuring that communication between Kiss and our clients is as clear and frictionless as possible. She's also responsible for dealing with new business, and briefs in client requests to the studio. Outside of work, she can often be found chasing her daughter, cats, and husband around the house.

Martin Barnsley

Job Titles:
  • Lead Creative / Designer
Martin is an experienced graphic and digital designer whose dedication to his craft is evident in every piece of work he does. He excels in the full range of capabilities one would hope for in a graphic designer, and is proficient with all the industry standard creative software on the market. Away from work, Martin enjoys spending time with his family and friends socialising and having a single malt or two.

Pete Nulty

Job Titles:
  • Senior Web Developer
  • Web Development Expert
Pete is Kiss's web development expert - a fount of knowledge when it comes to everything from building websites to email templates. He also has a natural love for creative work, and is often able to offer a unique perspective on a variety of different client projects.

Theo Leworthy

Job Titles:
  • Senior Copywriter
Theo is responsible for all of the writing that comes out of Kiss Design. He also works at a brand level, working on original concepts, developing tones of voice and creative routes, and offering creative feedback on projects in the studio. Theo has a wife and daughter, and when he's not working at Kiss or studying philosophy, he's usually spending time with them.