William J. Cleaver

Bill has been a Type 1 diabetic since 1983 and an avid runner since 1979. He has run numerous 5K's, 10K's, ½ marathons, 25K's (19), and 5 Marathons, including 2 Boston Qualifiers and Boston in 2007. He continues to put in 20 -40 miles a week with his running partner, Rudy, a beautiful collie/retriever mix, and has studied the impact of running and carbohydrate management on insulin efficiency, blood glucose levels and diet options. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from Michigan State University and is a Purchasing/ Material Management professional by trade. In addition to running, Bill loves other outdoor activities including hiking, camping, and kayaking. He has backpacked Isle Royale National Park, and whitewater rafted the Penobscot River in Maine (after 40 straight days of rain….it was wild) and the New River in West Virginia. Some of his favorite hiking and camping adventures include Yosemite, Acadia, Grand Canyon, and Glacier Waterford National Parks, Chapleau Provincial Park in Ontario, and the short weekend getaways close to home in West Michigan. He loves sharing these experiences with his daughter, Alyse and his niece, Becky.