TRIBALANCE - Key Persons

Akane Matsumoto

Job Titles:
  • Massage Therapist
Akane is accredited by professional association AAMT since 2009. She offers remedial massage focusing on solving your individual soft tissue (muscle and tendons) problems. She also has expertise in Swedish, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy and Sports Massage. As part of maintaining membership, AAMT require all their members to participate in CPE (Continuing Professional Education) to maintain and improve their skills day-to-day. Enquire on booking or before the treatment for other specialised techniques, such as Deep Tissue Massage, Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation and Lomi lomi (also known as Ka hua or Hawaiian).

Annabelle Hart

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Annabelle Hart is an international best-selling Author and Medicine Woman facilitating Yoga Classes, Cacao Ceremonies, Retreats, and Certified Courses. These enriching and expansive experiences invite you to embody your unique purpose with passion, power, and prosperity. Experiences with Annabelle are infused with empowering educational techniques, leading you to "Liberate, Validate, and Regulate" into equilibrium, and take the leap of faith from surviving to thriving! Over the past ten + years, Belle's certified education with various medicines, helped her alchemise wounds into wisdom. Hence, she is passionate about supporting you to courageously choose to take a chance and create change for yourself and the collective!

Carly Ponter

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Carly began practicing yoga from the age of 16 and found she kept coming back to her mat, no matter where she was in her life or where she was in the world - the benefits she experienced physically, mentally and emotionally were second to none. So in 2015 after living abroad for a few years, Carly completed her first teacher training in India. Alongside her many yoga teaching accreditations, Carly also has qualifications in Mat Pilates, Aerial Yoga and Massage Therapy, and utilises all of these elements to inform her teaching. Classes with Carly are centred firmly around education, empowerment and anatomy, and will nearly always be sprinkled with a fabulous dash of gentle humour and playfulness.

Cathy Aganoff

Job Titles:
  • Director / Physiotherapist / Yoga Teacher
AHPRA registered and member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association. Cathy graduated with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of Queensland in 2006 and has been working in private practice in Australia and the UK for the last 15 years. Working in busy private practices in Australia and in London's famous Harley Street she has gained extensive experience in clinical pilates, women's health, musculoskeletal and sports rehabilitation. Through her own personal journey she discovered yoga and quickly began to see the enormous benefits the mind, body and spirit connection of yoga can provide in fostering change and growth in a physical, mental and spiritual capacity. She has continued to develop her skills and knowledge in teaching yoga and has gained a silver designation Yoga Alliance Australia certification. She teaches Align and Flow, Pregnancy Yoga, Beginner Yoga, as well as Physiolates. She draws on her extensive knowledge of anatomy, physiology and biomechanics to help her students progress further in their practice. With a strong focus on pranayama (breath) in her classes she helps her students slow down their internal chatter, calming the mind and delving deeper within.

Emma Baker

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher / Meditation Coach
Emma has always enjoyed dance, sport and keeping active, but never looked back after taking her first yoga class in 2011. A real turning point and inspiration occurred when she completed her Teacher Training at Shri Yoga Brisbane in 2014, an experience that deepened her personal practice, setting her on the path of teaching. Emma loves to teach in a way that helps students to begin to weave their practice off the mat and into everyday life and this is reflected in her classes. She teaches alignment-based classes, is also a qualified Yin Yoga teacher and has a passion for teaching and sharing the benefits of meditation.

Georgina Siddall

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
climbing the corporate ladder, Georgina understands that exhaustion is not a badge of honour and is committed to helping people reclaim their innate sense of vitality.

Gina Neville

Job Titles:
  • Pilates Teacher
Gina started her fitness journey when she completed a Diploma of Fitness in 2004. After which she worked at South Bank Institute of Technology, managing the Health and Fitness Centre and teaching Special Populations Exercise for many years. It was during this time that she became aware of the unique benefits of body weight exercise combined with breath and form, and felt completed to gain her Pilates qualification in 2005 followed by Yoga in 2010. Gina considers it to be a joy to be able to enrich the lives of others through exercise.

Helena Turner

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Helena brings a strong intention on right posture and alignment in conjunction with a steady breath to carry each movement and return us to stillness in between. This way of practicing does not ask anything more of you than to simply be at ease in your current state, whatever that may be, without striving to attain something, simply present and aware of how we respond to our practice and in turn everything around us.

Kylie Walker

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Kylie is a 280+ hour registered yoga teacher, the mum of a zesty little human, a world traveller, skier, & lover of gluten-free cinnamon donuts. Fun fact: she once upon a time lived under various palm trees in the tropics with her now husband, enjoying her years there as a scuba diving instructor. Kylie's first memory of yoga was as an energetic pre-schooler in the 70's, dancing around her lounge room taking in Swami Sarasvati on morning TV while her mum practiced. She's told she tried out a few asana with her mum & Swami then, but even so Kylie did not actually ‘find' yoga for herself until the next century! Although she has practiced yoga for twelve years now it was not until Kylie found real solace in it during a period of anxiety and depression that she realised what a positive force for change yoga truly can be. That was when her desire to help others through yoga began. Kylie trained in the Anusara style with Julie Smerdon of Shri Yoga Brisbane, and has also studied with Stacey Nelson, Inspired Kids Yoga trainer. Her practice with such yoga and meditation luminaries as Elena Brower, Lizzie Lasater, Noah Maze, Ross Rayburn, Simon Borg Olivier, Nikki Ralston & Dr Lorin Roache add a sprinkle more spice to the mix.

Laura Dean

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Laura first tried yoga when she was in her early 20's but realised it wasn't fast paced enough for her over active lifestyle. It wasn't until she moved to London for the second time in 2009 that she realised that yoga was exactly what she needed for her fast paced lifestyle! She loves the way it grounds her and brings her back to listening to her body and connecting body and breath and mind. Experiencing a clearer mind and feeling the benefits throughout her entire body are also an addictive bonus. Laura loves to teach as she enjoys seeing the benefit of yoga through all of her students - trying to connect them back to their body and taking time out to give gratitude to themselves.

Lili Stojan

Job Titles:
  • Pilates Teacher

Lina Saenz

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Lina's first yoga practice was 8 years ago when she fell pregnant. She instantly fell in love with yoga and the benefits she experienced. After her pregnancy she decided to focus on Vinyasa which allowed her to understand the essential connection between breathing, flow movement and calmness of mind, finding the balance in today's busy life. Following her passion she decided to become a yoga teacher, making this path her "Dharma" or purpose in life. Lina believes that each asana has a level or variation that helps every person in their unique needs. She encourages students to listen to their intuition rather than their mind to guide their own practice and get the best outcome for their wellbeing

Melinda Liao

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher / Studio Manager

Sarah Brown

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher
Firstly, Sarah is a mother, student, seeker, spiritual guide, adventurer, womens mentor, and passionately ready to guide and support you on your path of Self Discovery. She is a Breathwork Facilitator, Crystal Singing Bowl Educator, Reiki Master and Level 2 Yoga Teacher, specialising in Trauma Informed Yoga, Stress Management and Meditation. Sarah has successfully run a Yoga and Healing Studio in the Lockyer Valley for the last six years holding classes, retreats, sister circles and many events and workshop for her community to embrace the path of Self Discover and Self Exploration. Her teaching style reflects her desire to understand, unravel and explore the power of Self-healing, by connecting to the innate wisdom within.

Sheridan Carpenter

Job Titles:
  • Yoga Teacher