Dr. Brad Winter

Job Titles:
  • Structural Chiropractor
Dr. Bradley Winter, D. C., is a visionary leader and acclaimed speaker spreading the wellness message globally for the past 20 years. He has dedicated his life to help people improve and transform their experience of their life to their health and well-being. He has had an outstanding career and is respected as an authority on wellness principles. Through both the work he does in his Cambridge Minnesota office as well as teaching to the public on true health, countless lives are being saved and transformed each year. Dr. Winter travels extensively to train on the latest technologies in health care and human potential, and through the principles he teaches has had unparalleled success with his own patients, where other hospitals, chiropractic, and medical systems have failed miserably. Dr. Winter's experience and decorated career speaks volumes of his knowledge base and concern for healthy living. Dr. Brad consistently and passionately teaches his patients on how the body functions and the best ways to maximize their health and well-being through their structure, behavior and choices. Chiropractor Brad Winter, D.C. has helped thousands of people since 2003 improve their quality of life, and lead happier, healthier lives. Dr. Brad has taken care of Minnesota Vikings players, authors and celebrities that you know. Even though chiropractor Dr. Brad Winter trains with practitioners around the World, his first priority is his practice members at Momentum Health Chiropractic Clinic whom he considers family.