Ian Crawford

Job Titles:
  • Professional Speaker and Facilitator
With a high profile career spanning several countries over several decades, Ian is a sought-after facilitator, keynote speaker, performance coach and business consultant. He is highly regarded for his inspiring and challenging style of delivery that moves participants and organisations to achieve success. Ian specialises in helping organisations build sustainable high performing teams. Starting his career as a sports coach, Ian coached elite teams in the United Kingdom, France, Spain and Canada and worked closely with the Elite Sporting and Olympic Team in London. Ian now trains and coaches in Australia and internationally (including Denmark, Mongolia, China, Africa and Vietnam). Recently, Ian was contracted as Rio Tinto's Global Master Facilitator. He is also a contributing author to Australia's leading leadership magazine, CEO - The Magazine for High Level Executives and the international best selling book, Winning in Life and Work. "Ian's coaching and up-skilling of our leadership team was very rewarding and valuable, with simple and practical tips incorporated into his sessions. I would recommend Ian to any company or organisation seeking support in leadership team building and enhancement."

Laura McLachlan

Job Titles:
  • Business Support Manager
Laura has indepth experience in management positions across multinationals and SMEs. She is passionate about helping business grow. Laura brings a detailed yet strategic approach to managing Paragon Professional's operations, ensuring optimum efficiency and quality in everything we do.

Sandra Lunn

Job Titles:
  • Lead Content Developer & Facilitator
Sandra's extensive experience in the vocational education and training sector spans over 20 years. She has built a strong reputation as an in-demand industry trainer, facilitator, workplace coach, assessor, mentor and consultant as well as holding senior RTO roles. As a vocational educator and trainer, Sandra has worked for clients across Australia, Africa, Sri Lanka, Bali, London and Macau, China. Sandra brings a powerful combination of professional training expertise, along with a deep understanding of current business trends. She personally develops the training resources and content to be user-friendly and targeted to meet your specific business goals and outcomes. "Sandra's ability to think out-of-the-box proves she does just that makes her a great asset. Through her specialised industry expertise, Sandra provides quality content development, program delivery and assessment of training needs. Her ability to adapt and be flexible in the challenging international environment is essential to the success of our projects."

Sarah Dalton

Job Titles:
  • Director
  • Lead Consultant
Sarah brings more than 20 years experience as a trainer, facilitator and manager across diverse industries. She is renowned for her engaging style of training that excites and inspires participants. Sarah's additional experience as a successful sales and business development manager allows her to offer clients a strategic, multi-layered approach to building a culture of excellence. With a contagious passion for helping people and businesses discover their leadership potential, along with a proven ability to create positive organisational cultures, Sarah is highly regarded in the industry. "Sarah is a dynamic, fast thinking, people person."

Tiffany Clark

Job Titles:
  • Director, Global Training Solutions Macau
"I was lucky enough to have Sandra as my TAE trainer. With a blended delivery of on-line content and weekly Skype one-on-one sessions, I found this learning experience to be one of the best of my adult life. Her various training techniques were both stimulating and innovative."