Alexandra Mackinnon

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Client-turned-MOTIF-team-member Alexandra's substantial experience in project and brand management is matched only by her tireless energy. At the office, she snacks as hard as she works (which is hard), and she has a passion for creating products and supporting clients (who are equally as proud of the products they create).

Andrea Engele

Job Titles:
  • Graphic Designer
A treasure hunter at heart, our newest Graphic Designer Andrea brings a calming grandmacore energy to the office. When not creating incredible designs for our clients, you can find her on the badminton court, gardening, crafting, or with her nose in a book (or in a bowl of her Baba's cabbage rolls, heavy on the sour cream & dill. Yum!). Andrea draws inspiration from her little brother (aw) who challenges her in a multitude of ways to push her creative limits. She also credits a 2015 trip to Kyoto as a major inspiration, and she'd love to go back someday. That said, her favourite part of her job is feeling connected to the city of Saskatoon and working with clients and business from across the city. Like the rest of the MOTIF crew, Andrea is a Saskatoon lover who finds meaning in contributing to important community projects and is eager to see the city grow and prosper. If you want to win Andrea over, tempt her with a viewing of Mr. Bean's holiday ("A cinematic masterpiece" - Andrea) and a plate of cheese. She'll never say no! Who could?

Brittney Tracksell

Job Titles:
  • Senior Graphic Designer
As a Senior Graphic Designer at MOTIF with over ten years of experience, Brittney enjoys working collaboratively with our clients and always exceeds their expectations. When she's not knocking our clients socks off, Brittney spends her time with her husband and two boys. On the off-chance that she gets some time to herself, she enjoys planning out her yard landscaping. Brittney plays four musical instruments, but can't throw a frisbee to save her life. Her favourite food is roast beef and potatoes, her dream travel destination is Bora Bora, and you can bet that any number of Disney songs are constantly playing in her head. Brittney prides herself on her quality work and is constantly developing her skill set. She loves that she gets to be creative and work alongside amazing people every day. She is looking forward to growing with MOTIF for many more years to come.

Chelsey Nagy

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Chelsey comes to MOTIF with extensive experience in client development and building relationships. A true Sasky girl at heart who can often be spotted wake surfing Blackstrap or paddle boarding down the river, her infectious personality keeps us smiling all day long. When she's not busy making her client's day, you can find her tending to her plants, crushing a bag of chips, or sneaking in a nap whenever she can find the time. Chelsey's goal is to travel the world, and escape to beautiful places like Costa Rica each winter to escape the frigid Saskatchewan winters (as long as she can avoid tsunamis, that is). When it comes to her work life, Chelsey looks forward to continuing to build relationships with clients new and old, and working collaboratively with her teammates to keep building on the awesomeness. One day she hopes to be as fast as Nathan when on a product search hunt for a client. We believe in you Chelsey!

Dougie Parker

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Dougie is a Graphic Designer extraordinaire and one of the creative geniuses behind the curtain at MOTIF. He loves that he gets to be creative every single day, and enjoys hanging out with the rest of the MOTIF fam. A family man through and through, he looks up to his parents and two brothers, and loves spending time with them outside of work. Food is Dougie's guiltiest pleasure, and his all-time favourite is his wife's homemade vegan tacos. Other things that bring Dougie joy include sitting around a fire, travelling, and playing music. In fact, he used to be in a band that was signed to a major record label, and spent several years touring across North America and Europe. Now that he's settled into the wonderful world of marketing, Dougie has high hopes for MOTIF - most notably to keep kicking ass and take over the world.

Holly Hudson

Job Titles:
  • Account Manager
Holly Hudson has a name fit for a superhero, and we think she lives up to it perfectly! Her super power would likely be eating the spiciest foods, or maybe her ability to speak four languages, or perhaps the super service she provides to her (equally super) clients. She is an avid outdoorswoman who loves camping and cycling. Holly recently cycled the west coast of the US on a solo trip, and she would love to do more bike trips in the future in other countries. Traveling to new places (and sampling their spiciest offerings along the way) is something she'd love to do; she'd likely hit up a vintage clothing shop or two while she's there. In her role at MOTIF Holly thrives when she gets to work and collaborate creatively with her clients and coworkers (whether it be on a project or jigsaw puzzle). She'd love to help MOTIF expand to clients across Canada and maybe even into other areas of the world.

Joel Antymniuk - CEO, Founder

Job Titles:
  • CEO
  • Founder
  • Master
  • MOTIF Founder and CEO
MOTIF Founder and CEO Joel has spent over a decade dedicating himself to the promotional product and custom apparel industry. His leadership and his vision for MOTIF is reflected in the strong relationships he has built with his clients and team. Outside of work, spending time with his two boys will always be his top priority and the reason for everything he does. His guilty pleasure is spoiling his kids, but never rotten. Family aside, skateboarding and motorcycles are the things that get his mojo going. Joel is a master at derailing the team with sweet jokes (or so he says) and random observations in the hopes of one day pursuing a mediocre career in stand-up comedy. Until then, he is head over heels in love with his job and hopes to remain passionate about creating, appreciating, and providing an environment for like minded people to enjoy their work.

Laura Antymniuk

Job Titles:
  • Finance
Laura's official title at MOTIF is Office Manager but she's typically up to anything and everything to keep MOTIF growing. She's constantly inspired by all of the clients MOTIF gets to work with. Oh, and AOC - because AOC is badass. When she's not keeping the office in order, Laura is busy being a mother to two active little boys and one Brittany Spaniel named Muddy. She enjoys going out with friends, eating (bonus points if it's Mexican food), dancing, and shopping. Her dream travel destination is the South of France, and her guilty pleasure is trashy TV. Laura's office quirk is non-stop snacking (it provides her fuel to get s*** done) and she's always got a Beyonce song on the brain. In the future, she hopes to continue to grow and provide meaningful employment for an amazing team.

Nathan Hursh

Job Titles:
  • Account Executive
Nathan's background is actually in design, so as MOTIF's Account Executive he always has an uncanny idea of what will complement a client's brand. Obsessed with the little details, Nathan is always the first one to the office in the morning and loves helping clients produce a product that they are proud of. Outside of work, Nathan can be found skateboarding, golfing, playing ice hockey and slow pitch, reading, and going for walks with his wife and daughter. His guilty pleasure is craft beer and potato chips, and his favourite food changes with his mood - although sushi and noodle bowls are two common cravings. Nathan's dream for MOTIF is to find their forever space - one that checks all of their boxes and has the space to grow. His goal for himself and his teammates is to keep getting better and better at what they love to do.

Shannah Parker

Job Titles:
  • Office Manager
She is the first person you'll see when walking through the door, and the cheerful voice you'll hear on the other end of the phone. We are thrilled to have Shannah on board as our Office Manager to keep us all in check and the snack cupboards full! A reality TV lover (like several other team members) Shannah is a talented baker and lover of fine dining, and she shows off her incredible skills cooking up various allergy conscious treats. She claims to look up to "mostly everyone" because of her short stature, but more specifically her boss Joel, as he inspires the team to keep growing and learning. Shannah is also a big fan of her partner Dougie who she first saw on stage at a concert in Edmonton. Years later she'd make that rockstar her husband - manifestation works! These days they perform "Shake Your Sillies Out" each night, together, for their daughter Scottie. But we swear they are still super cool. Shannah is excited to be on team MOTIF and to work in a dynamic environment where people are encouraged to achieve their full potential (just don't touch her computer screen, mmkay?). Be sure to stop by and say hello to Shannah, and just maybe you'll get to sample some gluten/dairy/soy/egg free delicacies!

Teagan Knudsen

Job Titles:
  • Program Specialist
The newest member of our incredible CSR team, Teagan owned a successful esthetician business for over a decade and as a result has built lasting relationships throughout her community. Very fun fact: Teagan once did Rihanna's nails (yes, THE Rihanna!). She is also MOTIF's resident yogi, and shares her passion for yoga through teaching. Teagan's office quirk is how she wears her heart on her sleeve - often shedding happy tears in staff meetings. We love hearing stories about her busy home life with husband Aron, son Paxton, and daughter Nellie, and we know her kind nature comes from her mom, who she describes as a "good listener, calm, nurturing and overall amazing human." Sounds like someone else we know, Teagan! Outside of work you can find Teagan relaxing in front of some reality TV, specifically the Bachelor, or spending time in nature with her family. Teagan values the fun work environment at MOTIF, and is inspired by the passion her coworkers bring to the table. Maybe we can convince Rihanna to place an order??