SEAORBITER - Key Persons

Ambassador Peter Thomson

Job Titles:
  • Ambassador

Ariel Fuchs

Job Titles:
Engineer in marine environment with a PhD. in marine sciences and a professional diver, with 35 years of field experience, Ariel Fuchs has participated in numerous scientific expeditions in the fields of marine and underwater exploration. Consultant in science & technology and a project manager at CNES, French Space Agency, he is particularly interested in space technologies and applications that can be used to develop innovative marine technological projects.

Bill Todd

Bill Todd is in charge of the design and development of the vessel's operational functions. Program Manager for Exploration Analogs at NASA Johnson Space Center and a specialist engineer for many years in astronaut training at NASA, Bill Todd trained most of the crews who flew with the American Space Shuttle. Passionate about the similarities between space and the underwater world, he created the NEEMO (NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations) program, a special program to train astronauts under the sea, in the Aquarius underwater habitat, off the coast of Florida. In particular, he developed many « man to machine » operational concepts using underwater robotic means to recreate conditions similar to those encountered in space. He continues his research based on exploratory procedures and human behavior in confined and extreme environments.

Charles Kennel

Job Titles:
  • Associate Administrator of NASA for Earth Sciences
Following studies in astrophysics at Harvard and Princeton Universities, Charles Kennel became an Associate Administrator of NASA for Earth Sciences and chaired the Department of Physics at the University of California, becoming Executive Vice Chancellor of that department. Kennel was then director of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Vice-chancellor of Marine Sciences at the University of California in San Diego from 1998 to 2006. He is currently an Emeritus Professor at Scripps, an emeritus member of Christ's College at Cambridge University, and Chairman of the Space Studies Board of the US National Academy of Sciences. Kennel is also a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the American Philosophical Society and the International Astronautical Federation. Charles Kennel was a former Associate Administrator of NASA. He was the director of Mission to Planet Earth, a program to perform a comprehensive survey and observation of our home planet.


Job Titles:
A NASA administrator from 1992 to 2001, Daniel S. Goldin is the Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Intellisis Corporation, a company developing a new generation of intelligent information systems - innovative technology combining biology, physics and engineering.

Francis VALLAT - President

Job Titles:
A graduate in economics, law and literature, Francis Vallat was a renowned oil tanker ship-owner for 32 years (in 1990 he publicly demanded the French and European authorities to declare war on substandard "dust-bin" ships). As senior VP of Intertanko, he successfully took over and pushed the fight for quality and safety in shipping all over the world. A long-time advocate of maritime safety, he represented France during six years at the European Maritime Safety Agency EMSA (he chaired the Agency in 2005, and was its Vice-President from 2002 until 2008). He also chaired the French Institute of the Sea for 10 years. He then created and chaired the French Maritime Cluster (an umbrella organization of 450 maritime entities: companies, professional federations, Research Institutes, Navy ) and the European Network of Maritime Clusters (18 countries). Very active on the environmental protection of the Ocean, he chaired during 5 years "Expedition 7eme Continent" against plastic in the Ocean. He also chaired during 3 years SOSMEDITERRANEE, rescuing migrants in central Mediterranea. Awards and official recognitions : In 2017 in London, he was the first French professional ever to awarded the Lloyd's List « Global Lifetime Achievement Award » (Maritime Personality of the Year) // Member of the French "Académie de Marine" // Commander of the Legion of Honor - Commander of Maritime Merit - Officer of National Merit - Silver Medal of Military Services

Françoise Gaill

Job Titles:
  • Head of the Scientific Committee
A marine biologist and a specialist of deep-sea ecosystems, Françoise Gaill headed the Environment and Sustainable Development Department of the CNRS (French National Scientific Research Centre), then its Ecology and Environment Institute. As an Emeritus Director of Research and scientific advisor at CNRS, she is the scientific coordinator of the international Ocean and Climate Platform and leadsthe creation of a UN based coalition, an international scientific platform similar to the IPCC (International Panel for Climate Change), but dedicated solely to the ocean : the International Platform on Ocean Sustainability (IPOS).


Job Titles:
Frédéric Moncany de Saint-Aignan is Knight of the Legion of Honor, Officer of the National Order of Merit and Officer of Maritime Merit. He is President of the French Maritime Cluster and elected Vice-President of the network of European maritime clusters and then became Chairman of the board of directors of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure Maritime. He is a captain of the citizen reserve of the French Navy.

Gilles BOEUF

Job Titles:
A Professor at the Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University, Sorbonne University, he was President of the National Museum of Natural History from February 2009 to August 2015 and visiting professor at the Collège de France in 2013-2014, on the « Development sustainability, environment, energy and society". He has been a scientific advisor to the cabinet of the Minister of State for the Environment, Energy and the Sea. Since 2021, he has been a member of the National Advisory Committee on Ethics for Life Sciences and Health upon designation by the Minister of National Education

Gonzague de Blignières

Job Titles:
  • Raise Co - Founder
Gonzague de Blignières is a French financier specializing in private equity and leveraged buy-outs (LBOs). He is co-founder of Raise and Réseau Entreprendre with Clara Gaymard.

Jacques Rougerie

Job Titles:
Jacques Rougerie is the Founding President of SeaOrbiter. A visionary architect of international renown, an academic member of the institute, he is a true explorer of the future. Passionate about the sea, space and new technologies, he builds underwater habitats and laboratories, floating villages and leads the SeaOrbiter scientific exploration vessel project. He himself experiences his achievements. A true explorer, he has lived several times in underwater habitats and participated in the world record of 69 days under the sea in the United States. For more than 30 years, he has based his work on biomimetic, bio-inspired, resilient and sustainable architecture. For this, he draws his inspiration both from the heritage of Leonardo da Vinci as well as from the work of Jules Verne, whose maxim he adopted: « All that a man is capable of imagining, others men will be able to achieve it" In this spirit, he has built several sea museums around the world, as well as underwater habitats and laboratories, vessels with transparent hulls, floating and underwater village projects, or even a base and a lunar village. . Other flagship projects, SeaOrbiter and the Cité des Mériens combine its innovative research in the fields of marine and underwater architecture, while opening up fields of knowledge that have yet to be explored. Experimenting with his creations himself, he went so far as to live in underwater habitats several times, notably participating in the world record of 71 days under the sea in the United States. For 13 years, he has worked through his foundation to support talented young architects, engineers and designers taking into account the challenges of sustainable development.


Job Titles:
The first French astronaut in space, Jean-Loup Chrétien has made three space flights, two with Russia and one with NASA on board the space shuttle Atlantis. Assistant Director of NASA ISS expeditions and Assistant Technical Director at the Johnson Space Centre, Jean-Loup Chrétien established the first link between the SeaOrbiter project and space agencies, NASA in particular.

Jean-François CLERVOY

Job Titles:
  • Ambassador and Advisor for Activities in Space and Extreme Environments
A senior astronaut at ESA having travelled in space three times, including the final flight aboard the space shuttle Discovery to repair the Hubble telescope, Jean-François Clervoy is the CEO of Novespace, a company organizing parabolic flight campaigns on board the A300 ZERO-G for technological investigation and scientific research of weightless state. He is in charge of the coordination between the SeaOrbiter program and space agencies.«

Jean-Luc Allavena Apollo

Job Titles:
  • Company Director
  • Global Management Partner
Jean-Luc Allavena is a Monegasque businessman and company director. He joined the Apollo Global Management investment fund as a partner in 2007 and is Chairman and Founder of Atlantys Investors.

Jean-Marie Job

Job Titles:
Jean-Marie Job is the legal advisor of SeaOrbiter projet. Attorney-at-law since 1980, he started his career in Paris in the fields of criminal law and commercial litigation. Backed by his extensive experience, Job co-founded a law firm in 1987, which core activities are corporate business law, commercial litigation, and criminal business law. He is the legal advisor for SeaOrbiter since the creation of the project.

Jean-Michel COUSTEAU

Job Titles:
For more than 40 years Jean-Michel Cousteau - explorer, environmentalist, educator and film producer - has devoted his life to sharing people of all nations his passion and concern for our water planet. The eldest son of Jacques-Yves Cousteau, he was introduced at a very young age to diving, oceanography, environmental protection and media communications. On the Calypso expeditions he was responsible for logistics; he was Vice-President of the Cousteau Society for 20 years. In 1999, he founded the Ocean Futures Society, a marine conservation and education association, which organizes educational programs, carries out research and seeks to establish an ethical environmental conservation policy. An ardent campaigner, he is also the current President of Green Cross France et Territoires, and Co-President of the World Ocean Network. "SeaOrbiter is the first of its kind new generation vessel that gives people a new perspective on the undersea world. Its original design and observation capabilities will give each one of us a chance to dive in mid ocean with an intimacy and for periods never before achieved. From this new adventure, SeaOrbiter will be able to present compelling evidence for its scientific arguments and communicate more persuasively in its vast educational project to raise awareness and promote the vital task of marine conservation. Never since the great Cousteau adventure, has there been such unique opportunity to reveal and draw people's attention to the fragility and indeed the richness of this environment, in which there is still so much to be discovered."

Linn Sekund

Job Titles:
  • Marine Science Engineer
Holding an International Master in Conservation of Marine Biodiversity, Linn Sekund is a marine science engineer and a professional diver who's work for marine research institutes and NGOs lead her to develop a special interest for in-situ oceanographic instrumentation. She has actively been collecting data at sea during oceanographic expeditions on research vessels and sailing boats and as a consultant in marine science, works closely with IRD for the maintenance of scientific equipment on commercial vessels.


Job Titles:
Business school graduate and former officer in the French navy at the operational headquarters, she has proven skills in management and is passionate about maritime issues related to climate and biodiversity. She has participated in the development of several projects around climate change and co-founded a consulting company focused on ecological transition.


Job Titles:
  • Ambassador and Advisor for the Mediterranean
Nardo Vincente is an Emeritus Professor of marine sciences at Aix Marseille University in the Mediterranean Institute of Marine and Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecology. He has been the Scientific Officer of Paul Ricard Oceanographic Institute on the island of Embiez since 1972; he is also the General Delegate. As a class II professional diver, he has completed in 50 years more than 10,000 dives in the seas around the globe, most notably in the Mediterranean. Since 1998, he has been a member of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Marseille. Vincente is also the Commander of the Order of Academic Palms, Officer of the National Order of Madagascar, Knight of Maritime Merit, and a member of Tridente d'Oro Accademia di Ustica (Italy).

Patrick Augier

Job Titles:
  • Vice - Admiral
Patrick Augier, vice-admiral much appreciated by the maritime community in which he has carried out numerous civil and military functions, is the general secretary advisor and member of the executive committee of Ponant. Engineer in atomic engineering, doctor in nuclear physics, patent of higher military education, Patrick Augier started out as head of department on the nuclear ballistic missile submarine Foudroyant. He was subsequently notably commander of the Jeanne d'Arc helicopter carrier and of the Naval Officer Training School, maritime adviser to the military cabinet of Jean-Marc Ayrault then Manuel Valls at Matignon and commander of the battalion of Marseille firefighters.


Job Titles:
  • Ambassador and Advisor for Education, International Organization and the Blue Society
Philippe Vallette is an oceanographer by profession. He is the General Manager of the National Sea Centre NAUSICAA in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Co-Chair of the World Ocean Network, and the President of the World Festival of Underwater Pictures. His vocation is to inspire people to regard differently the relationship we have, as humans with the ocean, and therefore to reach a better sustainable use of the ocean. In 2011, with NAUSICAA's teams, he launched a new concept - the ‘Blue Society'. The campaign aims to create a society, which would use marine resources to create a healthy environment and opportunities for a new, sustainable economy and jobs in an ethical way. Based on the main pillars of sustainable development (economy, society and the environment), it also includes cultural and political aspects.

Richard Sempéré OCEAN

Job Titles:
Richard Sempéré, PhD, est océanographe, géochimiste marin et atmosphérique et directeur de recherche au CNRS. Il est actuellement directeur de l'Institut des sciences de l'Océan de l'université d'Aix-Marseille. Ses propres recherches portent sur le cycle du carbone, les plastiques, les additifs plastiques et les contaminants organiques dans les systèmes atmosphériques et aquatiques. Depuis 2022, il est co-coordinateur de l'Alliance européenne de recherche et d'éducation sur l'océan (EOREA).


Job Titles:
Stéphane joined the SeaOrbiter team to oversee financial issues and ensure its economic performance. Stéphane has held financial positions for 15 years. Graduated with a master's degree in financial engineering, he worked for 5 years in a Big 4 firm in consulting for the performance of the finance function. Very concerned by the subjects of climate change and new energies, he then joined a start-up in the production of renewable energies where he contributed to the implementation of its economic model and its financial structuring.

Sylvia Earle

Job Titles:
  • Chief Scientist at NOAA
A world renowned American oceanographer and highly accomplished explorer for many years, Sylvia Earle became the chief scientist at NOAA, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. She is a founding member of the DOER (Deep Ocean Exploration and Research) organization which works to improve marine and subsea engineering, and is also an explorer for the National Geographic Society.


Job Titles:
Vincent RIGAUD, a researcher and robotic engineer joined Ifremer in 1990, where he founded in 1991 the « Underwater Robotics and Artificial Intelligence » laboratory, becaming in 1999 director of the « Underwater Systems » unit. He has conducted numerous projects for remotely operated and autonomous underwater drone systems, in particular for deep-sea applications, and is the author of more than 150 publications and 5 patents. Since the end of 2014 he has been director of the Ifremer center in the Mediterranean, covering the activity of the institute's sites in the south of France and overseas departments.

Vladimir Ryabinin

Job Titles: