IBEFOUND - Key Persons

Dahlian Lamy

Dahlian (better known as Dale) comes from quite a different background, holding a Masters in Mathematics and a Bachelors in Electronic Engineering Technology. Dale has spent the better part of his life in the world of academia, getting paid to teach Mathematics from as early as 13 years old. He started his teaching career in the secondary arena in the late 1990's while still living in his Caribbean homeland. During this time, Dale applied his skills of research and compilation to self-publishing a Physics handbook that met with some limited success. He has a long-held desire to write a series of Mathematics textbooks. However, life had other things in store for Dale. In 2000 he moved to the United States to further his education, eventually landing an instructorship at a prestigious university in New Jersey. It was here that he revisited the idea of writing one or more texts on Mathematics, and he began to immerse himself in research and writing. Unfortunately, life's distractions steered him away from completing this project for which he had already written over 100 pages. Like Alla, Dale is an entrepreneur at heart and he has long dreamed of having his own business, but unlike Alla, he had not mustered the courage to fully follow this part of his heart. Nevertheless, he kept his entrepreneurship flame alive by researching and learning about various aspects of marketing, self employment, and business building. Taking advantage of the wealth of information available on the internet, Dale taught himself web programming, and used his knowledge to build websites for himself and others on a part-time basis. At one point, in the mid-2000's, he was on the verge of starting a web design company but his partner backed out causing that venture to be put indefinitely on hold. After a change of circumstances in 2012 forced him to reassess his dreams, goals, and aspirations, Dale made a conscious decision to actively pursue his desire of having his own business. So, he began by turning to the worldwide web to learn about internet marketing and the various business ventures available to him. The knowledge he gained has been used in the creation of mini-sites, online salespages, ebooks, reports and white papers. Dale's ability to explain various topics in an easy-to-understand manner quickly caught the attention of others who actively sought him out. And this is how the paths of Alla and Dale crossed.