Meet Grant

Im Grant, the founder and owner of Grant McArthur SEO & Design. My journey began back in 2011, in the dynamic world of e-commerce web design and SEO. It was within a major high-street fashion chain I honed the skills that would become the cornerstone of our agency. Driven by a desire to explore the vast potential of the digital landscape, I ventured into the realm of building ‘rank and rent' websites. This hands-on experience, coupled with our work for various clients, provided us with a unique perspective on the digital needs of businesses across different sectors. At our core, we are a team of dreamers and doers. We are not just SEO experts; we are story-tellers, problem-solvers, and innovators. Our roots in e-commerce web design have instilled in us a deep understanding of the digital marketplace and the ever-evolving SEO landscape. Each member of our team brings a wealth of experience, creativity, and dedication. Together, we've faced the challenges of the digital world head-on, learning and growing with each project. We believe in not just meeting client expectations but exceeding them, transforming their digital presence into a powerhouse of growth and success.