INFINITE RED - Key Persons

Bryan Stearns

Job Titles:
  • Principal
  • Software Engineer

Carlin Isaacson

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
  • Senior Software Engineer
Carlin is a proficient engineer who specializes in polished user interfaces. From his years in construction to his current profession constructing software, he meticulously researches his projects before starting in order to create an intuitive experience. He also has a powerful ability to complete challenging long-haul tasks and to bring a new perspective to difficult problems. Carlin built the house where he lives with his wife and three children, raising chickens, making homebrew kombucha, and woodworking. He and his family love camping and spending time together.

Dan Edwards

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Darin Wilson

Job Titles:
  • Principal
  • Software Engineer

Derek Greenberg

Job Titles:
  • Principal
  • Software Engineer
Derek brings over 20 years of development experience across a wide range of languages and platforms, including Ruby On Rails, React.js, and React Native. He excels at complex solutions, like his Harvest Integration plugin for Invision using Tampermonkey, which greatly improved our design team's workflow. A native Californian, Derek is married with a college-age daughter. He's an enthusiastic cook, foodie, and professional musician. Ask him about the time he met Yoko Ono!

Ellie Croce

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Felipe Peña

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Frank Calise

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Gant Laborde

Job Titles:
  • Chief Innovation Officer
  • Owner
Gant, who has worked in tech since "the beginning of time", leads Infinite Red as Chief Innovation Officer. He thrives learning, mastering, and teaching new technologies, often through crafting engaging stories that help folks connect with advanced concepts. He is the author of a computer science book teaching Tensor.js, which he dedicated to his daughter Mila. A native of New Orleans, Gant enjoys wild movies and crafting strange things.

Harris Robin Kalash

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Jamon Holmgren - CTO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Technology Officer
  • Owner

Jed Bartausky - COO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Operations
Jed is a detail-oriented project manager excelling in organization and communication. He ensures our projects stay on time and on budget by working with our clients and team to define product requirements, then managing the tasks as they naturally evolve through the project lifecycle. Jed likes spending time with his family, tinkering with his 3D printer and DIY projects, playing violin, and enjoying the great outdoors in eastern Washington. He is passionate about getting better every day and helping others.

Jon Major Condon

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Joshua Yoes

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Justin Huskey - CCO

Job Titles:
  • Director of Communications

Justin Poliachik

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Kate Kim

Job Titles:
  • Software Engineer
Kate's consistently positive and curious approach to software development is a mirror of her life outside of work. Kate and her family are world travelers that love to experience a new country with unique food (she's personally visited over a dozen countries). Kate is special because she effortlessly toes the line between technical and useful. She's not afraid to speak up when she sees improvements in the code or user experience. She's not only highly skilled in React Native, but she also has her hand in React and GraphQL.

Leon Kim

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Lizzi Lindboe

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Mark Rickert

Job Titles:
  • Principal
  • Software Engineer

Mazen Chami

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer
Mazen is a natural when it comes to teaching: both in his career and community. You can see it in the time he spends mentoring and coaching those around him. Whether it's teaching React Native for the students at Gaza Sky Geeks or coaching a youth soccer team in his free time, Mazen's ability to teach is his superpower. His interest in community and culture has led him worldwide to try whichever food is unique to that place - he even tried rotten shark in Iceland (and lived to tell us about it).

Nick Morgan

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer

Robin Heinze

Job Titles:
  • Director of Engineering

Ryan Linton

Job Titles:
  • Engineer
  • Senior Software Engineer
With over a decade of experience, Ryan is a knowledgable engineer who loves crafting delightful user experiences and solving tricky problems. An intrepid novelty seeker he's constantly exploring new technologies, cultures, and ideas. When he isn't working, Ryan can be found running around Asia with his wife and 3 year old daughter, reading a book, or weightlifting.

Todd Werth - CEO

Job Titles:
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Leader
  • Owner
Todd is a leader who excels at bridging the gap between the technical and non-technical.

Trevor Coleman

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer
It's important to him that React Native is both interesting and fun for the entire team. Trevor's also someone who knows how to truly make a project memorable. Just ask the Toronto Star: he literally took a rundown seafood karaoke bar. He turned it around so dramatically that it was awarded as the "hottest and best bar in the city" (no verdict on the quality of the karaoke).

Yulian Glukhenko

Job Titles:
  • Senior Software Engineer