CETA - Key Persons

Andrew Ferguson

Job Titles:
  • Headteacher, Bussage Primary School
Andrew Ferguson has been a headteacher for 10 years. His first headship was at a small school of 50 children in the North Cotswolds and he is therefore particularly interested in the pressures faced by teaching heads in small schools. He has over 23 years' experience in education having taught in a large junior school in Gloucester and a one form primary school in Cheltenham. He has been heavily involved in a number of international projects with Kenyan schools and is interested in developing international links. He is currently a Local Leader in Education and has experience in building effective partnerships between schools. Within CETA he is responsible for the recruitment process for Primary Schools Direct students.

Beth Warren

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Headteacher, Cheltenham Bournside School
Beth Warren has been at Cheltenham Bournside School for 7 years, but prior to that has taught in several schools in Suffolk and Essex. Beth's career path to date started as Head of Chemistry, then Head of Science, and now Assistant Headteacher. She has had a wide range of responsibilities over the years including oversight of NQTs, ITT and working with a network of primary and secondary schools through Leading Edge, with a focus on supporting the science department for a school in special measures.

Dr Stuart Wilson

Job Titles:
  • Headteacher, Marling School
Dr Stuart Wilson has been the Headteacher of Marling School since June 2010; the school received an Outstanding OFSTED judgement in November 2013. He has nearly 20 years of teaching and leadership experience in comprehensive schools and grammar schools as well as a wealth of teaching & pastoral experience from Year 7 to Sixth Form. Stuart provides leadership support and training through CETA, working strategically with both secondary and primary partners. He is also a National Leader in Education and undertakes inspection work for OFSTED.

Gareth Burton

Job Titles:
  • Acting Headteacher, Cheltenham Bournside School and Sixth Form Centre
Gareth Burton has been the Acting Headteacher of Cheltenham Bournside School and Sixth Form Centre since September 2014. He has a wide range of leadership experience across a number of different settings, including the north Cotswolds and inner-city London. Gareth currently delivers leadership training to aspirant Deputy Headteachers as part of the ASCL ‘Towards Deputy Headship Programme' and has spoken at a number of national conferences about student performance data, leadership development and closing the gap for disadvantaged students.

James Pope

Job Titles:
  • Headteacher, Marlwood School
James Pope has worked in secondary education for 18 years. He has worked as a senior leader for 10 years currently as headteacher at Marlwood School. James has a wealth of experience within pastoral and curriculum leadership and learning from Y7 through to the Sixth Form. James provides leadership support and training through CETA and a number of other local and national networks. He has a strong commitment to CPD and offers strategic support to schools.

Jane Dale

Job Titles:
  • Assistant
  • Assistant Headteacher, Marling School
Jane Dale is an Assistant Headteacher at Marling School where she is responsible for Teaching & Learning. She worked closely with Stuart Wilson in preparing the bid for Teaching School status and now oversees CETA both at the strategic and operational level. This allows her to combine her passion for developing the learning experience for members of a school community with sharing best practice across primary and secondary sectors. Central to her vision, is ensuring that all staff have opportunity to both provide and access the highest quality CPD and learning strategies.

Jane Thornton

Job Titles:
  • Assistant Headteacher, Stroud High School
Jane Thornton has been at Stroud High School for just over a year, having previously taught in a range of different schools in Gloucestershire. Currently Jane is responsible for Teaching and Learning and the Curriculum, and supporting the development of colleagues including PGCE students and NQTs. This varied portfolio enables Jane to have a direct impact on the experience of the students in the school, whilst also enabling colleagues to develop their own practice and ensuring everyone has the opportunity to achieve their ‘personal best.' She has had a broad range of experience as Head of Key Skills, Head of Year, Assistant Headteacher, with responsibility for Sixth Form and whole school reporting and data, and still as an enthusiastic teacher of Mathematics. Her involvement with CETA is on the operational group and she also contributes to the Training Manager, Transition and Aspirant Senior Leaders Committees.

Jon Gallop

Job Titles:
  • Assitant Headteacher, Marlwood School
Jon has over 30 years of teaching and leadership experience in a variety of different secondary settings. He has extensive experience of school leadership and management and writes and delivers leadership courses in several teaching networks. He provides bespoke leadership and teacher training through CETA and CSET whilst working strategically with business and industry partners. His work on primary to secondary transition has been recognised nationally in publications such as the Rose Report. His most recent developmental work has been centred on Growth Mindset and ICT to Support Learning and Sustaining Leadership.

Kirsten Prescott

Job Titles:
  • Deputy Headteacher, Severn Vale School
Kirsten Prescott has been at Severn Vale School for over 10 years having previously taught in a range of settings in the south east and inner city London since the late 1990s; she currently leads Teaching and Learning at the school. Kirsten's role in CETA is as a member of the operational group. She brings her passion for self-directed professional development, the importance of robust and meaningful transitions in learning, meaningful assessment and feedback in the classroom and the absolute conviction that it is knowledge of students as learners and people that enables Severn Vale to empower their success.

Maggie Halsey

Job Titles:
  • Head
  • Headteacher, Rodborough Primary School
Maggie Halsey has been a head teacher for twenty years in primary schools in Gloucestershire and is currently head at Rodborough Primary School. She has supported many schools during this period at leadership level and ‘hands on' in the classroom developing teaching and learning strategies. She is a Local Leader of Education and also works as a Pupil Premium reviewer and School Improvement Advisor in South Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire.

Mark Nicholson

Job Titles:
  • Training Manager
Mark Nicholson is the Training Manager/Professional Tutor and Head of Physical Education at Marling School. He has nearly 20 years of teaching and leadership experience in comprehensive schools and grammar schools as well as over 12 years as an Advanced Skills Teacher (PE/ITT). Mark's role in CETA is as a member of the operational group where he leads specifically on teacher training through CETA, working strategically with both secondary and primary partners. Mark has worked closely with GITEP for over 20 years as a Subject Mentor and Training Manager and until recently worked for Adfecto in supporting NQTs within Gloucestershire.

Nikki Embling

Job Titles:
  • Teaching School Coordinator, Marling School
Nikki Embling has been at Marling School for 3 years. Her role as Teaching School Coordinator includes marketing, event management and communication. She has overseen the development and maintenance of the CETA website. Nikki is at the centre of the schools within the alliance, ensuring that all that work with CETA are fully informed and up to date.

Richard Lucas

Job Titles:
  • Headteacher, Uplands Community Primary School
Richard Lucas is the Headteacher of Uplands Community Primary School which received an Outstanding OFSTED judgement in February 2014. He has over 17 years of teaching and leadership experience in a variety of different primary settings. He has extensive experience of school leadership and management in primary schools, as well as a wealth of teaching experience from Reception to Year 6. He provides leadership support and teacher training through CETA, working strategically with both secondary and primary partners, focusing on developing excellent CPD and NQT support. He is also a school improvement partner and undertaken inspection work for OFSTED.

Teresa Day

Job Titles:
  • Headteacher, Powell 's School
Teresa Day has 8 years headship experience at Powell's Primary School, an outstanding VA school in Cirencester. She has a vast experience of teaching in small, medium and large schools across several counties including 20 years in Gloucestershire. Powell's has continually sustained an OFSTED grading of ‘good' until March 2013 when the school obtained ‘outstanding' in both OFSTED and SIAS inspections. In the last two years Teresa has worked as an interim Executive Headteacher and as an additional inspector with HMI. She has extensive proven expertise in developing a skills based, creative curriculum built around the needs of pupils. Teresa is passionate about children actively involved in their learning, and during her time at Powell's School she has developed many new initiatives such as Forest School and Outdoor Learning whilst increasing the number of pupils involved in sports and performing arts.