Ashleigh Davis

Ashleigh was born and raised in Denver Colorado. She has spent majority of her career working in customer service. She has been working in property management for over a year, and has grown to love working with people. Growing up, Ashleigh has helped her dad with many residential remodels doing anything from painting to helping pour concrete. In her free time, Ashleigh enjoys spending time outdoors listening to music, or relaxing at home with her cats.

Dan Schlichte

Dan is a Colorado native who grew up in Broomfield with his parents and two older brothers. He obtained his bachelors degree from Colorado State University, and spent several years advancing his career in the hospitality industry before initiating a transition to property management in 2009. Since that time, Dan has gained a significant amount of experience in a variety of real estate segments including Community Associations, Multi-Family, and Single-Family properties. Dan has established a successful track record of optimizing our clients' investment ROI by applying operational principles driven by detailed investment analysis. The ability to help others achieve their goals in a very tangible way, via property management, is what drew Dan to this business, and that which continues to motivate him. In his free time, Dan enjoys outdoor activities with his wife and three kids, as well as spending time with his friends.

Eric Crouser

Eric, his wife Stacey and their two children call Highlands Ranch, Colorado home. Growing up in a military family and moving frequently Eric has enjoyed the 20+ years he has called Denver home. After graduating from Adams State University with a degree in Finance and Accounting Eric moved to Denver to work for some of the city's largest companies; Charles Schwab, Dish Network and Einstein Brothers Bagels. After 12 years in Corporate America Eric fulfilled his entrepreneurial dream and started a consulting company focused on helping small businesses with their finances. During this time Eric also became a Landlord and his passion for real estate investing was ignited. Having self-managed his rental since 2014 Eric has a strong understanding of property management and real estate investing. In his free time, Eric enjoys spending time with his family, traveling, golfing, relaxing at home with his dog Bailey and attending his kids' many activities.