PLAIN CHINA - Key Persons

Ciara Spruill

Job Titles:
  • Faculty Editor

Esme Franklin

Job Titles:
  • Art Director

Kai Nero

Job Titles:
  • Editor - in - Chief
Kai Nero is a junior African American Studies major with a minor in creative writing at Virginia Commonwealth University. Their work has been published in Ink Magazine and The Black Creative Magazine. After graduation, Kai hopes to be a published fiction writer. Their favorite genres are Black sci-fi, fantasy, and queer fiction. Kai is also interested in other forms of media and would love to explore screenwriting and filmmaking.

Kali Baumiller

Job Titles:
  • Editor, Social Media Editor
Kali Baumiller is a junior English major with a minor in creative writing at Virginia Commonwealth University. Their writing focuses on fiction with a concentration on poems, short stories, comics, and screenplays. Kali's favorite genres to write are horror, coming of age, and comedy with a heavy emphasis on the themes of the supernatural. After graduation, Kali hopes to get an MFA in creative writing and become an English professor, or jumpstart their dreams of being in the film industry as a director or screenwriter for companies such as Cartoon Network or independent film companies.

Lauren Hall

Job Titles:
  • Public Relations Manager
Lauren Hall is a sophomore English major with a double minor in creative writing and history at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is the art editor of VCU's Amendment literary and art journal, and an editor for the Marginalia research journal. She has had a passion for writing since childhood, and is continuously furthering her exploration of prose, screenwriting, and poetry. After graduation, Lauren hopes to become a published author and screenwriter.

Lea McMahan

Job Titles:
  • Managing Editor

Maiya Diao

Job Titles:
  • Faculty Editor

Margaret Sweeney

Job Titles:
  • Art Director

Marisa Prefer

Job Titles:
  • Senior Fiction Editor

Meg Rumsey-Lasersohn

Job Titles:
  • Web Editor

Michael Nordine

Job Titles:
  • Senior Nonfiction Editor

Rebecca Poynor

Job Titles:
  • Editor
Rebecca Poynor received her MFA in creative writing with a concentration in poetry from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2023, where she served as the 2021-22 managing editor of Blackbird. Her work has been published in Carve, Chestnut Review, Nashville Review, New York Quarterly, Ninth Letter, and elsewhere. She teaches at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Safiya Sinclair

Job Titles:
  • Senior Art Editor

Tilden Culver

Job Titles:
  • Editor - in - Chief
Tilden Culver is a junior English major with a minor in creative writing. He writes mainly fiction-both short stories and novels-with a focus on dystopia, body horror, and magical realism. Some of his writing has been featured in Pwatem, one of VCU's undergraduate journals. After graduation, he hopes to obtain an MFA in creative writing, and to go into academia while publishing his works.

Wyatt Kirby

Job Titles:
  • Faculty Editor and Founder