Updated 22 days ago
745 Ridgeview Dr. McHenry, IL 60050
Over 20 years ago, two guys named Matt and Joe met while attending college at St. Mary's University in beautiful Winona, MN. Many years later, they found themselves working together on the Alumni Board of Directors for the University and that's where they discovered that they shared the same philosophies, strategies, ideas, and passions when it came to business. In fact, many programs at the University that Matt and Joe created during their time on the Board are still active and in full force today!...
Voice in the Cloud is the next generation of business VoiP technology. Everyone will be converting to it in the future and it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. We can help you with starting the "when" today!...
We offer a wide variety of modern day VoiP handsets, side-cars, and conference phones configured just for your company! We do all the work, you just plug and play!