AB CAPITAL - Key Persons

J. Dwight Bell

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus. Dwight Bell co-founded AB Capital LLC in 2018 as a diversified investment/development company specializing in commercial, residential and mixed-use institutional grade real estate. Targeted projects are uniquely located in select markets and range in size from $5 million to in excess of $100 million.

Scott J. Arnold

Job Titles:
  • Principal
Scott Arnold practiced commercial real estate law at the global firm of King & Spalding LLP for over 35 years until 2011. For most of that time he was based in Atlanta, GA but he also practiced in NYC for over 4 years concentrating on the firm's capital markets presence. At the law firm Mr. Arnold led a practice group which at that time spanned 7 domestic and international offices. Mr. Arnold's practice was distinguished having been recognized regularly in Chambers Guide to Leading National and Georgia Lawyers, as one of "America's Leading Lawyers", in the "Best Lawyers in America" and as a Top 100 among Georgia's "Super Lawyers". Among numerous leadership roles undertaken by Mr. Arnold at the law firm was oversight of the Firm's worldwide office lease arrangements and Mr. Arnold chaired the committee which oversaw the 400,000 square foot headquarters relocation to the newly developed and iconic 1180 Peachtree building in Atlanta. Also while with the law firm, Mr. Arnold served as a loaned executive to The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company charged with leading the expansion of the company's international footprint. Mr. Arnold retired from the law practice in 2011 and co-founded Iron Tree Capital LLC, a real estate private equity firm which organized investments at the entity level in commercial real estate companies and portfolios. Aspects of that business remain active. In 2017, Mr. Arnold parted amicably from his partner at Iron Tree Capital and recently joined with J. Dwight Bell in the formation of AB Capital LLC. Mr. Arnold received his BA degree in Economics from the University of Missouri in 1972 and his JD (magna cum laude) from the University of Michigan in 1975.