Updated 78 days ago
This website is run by Jonathan Kenwright, a solicitor at Croft, in Cheltenham, and Andrew Francis, a barrister at Serle Court Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, London. We specialise in the law of restrictive covenants over land...
This website aims at opening up the subject of restrictive covenants. It sets out the issues clearly and simply so that you can understand the law and practice on the subject, which can sometimes be difficult to understand. Because of our expertise we can offer full and informed advice if you would like us to provide that...
Guides, definitions, and examples written by Cheltenham based experts of UK land covenants. Restrictive covenants on property are usually attached to the title to land and they create a burden, obligation or restriction on one piece of land for the benefit of another piece of land and its owners. Contact us today for a free consultation.