Dr. James Proetz

James grew up in the Midwest, studying theater and zoology before he connected with his life's calling as a healer. He began his studies of Chiropractic and alternative health care in 1977 and has continued his journey ever since. In 1981, James became intrigued by the mind-body connection, especially how nonconscious thoughts express themselves in the physical body. An opportunity to study integrative spiritual and emotional techniques with chiropractic brought James to Southern California. However, this move did not leave behind his challenges with addictions to alcohol and other compulsions. He battled with these parts as he pursued learning more about what made him choose these behaviors. Through participation in 12-Step Groups and working with John Bradshaw, Geneen Roth and Stan and Christina Grof, James rediscovered his mission of helping others to discover their purpose and inspiring them to love, heal and prosper. In 1991, James was introduced to Dr. Libby Adams through a local networking organization; he dove headlong and immersed himself in learning Transformational Meditation. Despite the vast array of healing modalities that he had used and studied previously, it was Transformational Meditation and the associated processes he learned that finally facilitated his own, complete recovery from past addictions. It was this transformation that truly inspired James to dedicate his life to helping his patients and students overcome their personal challenges with this powerful healing modality.